LSG Character Poll 2020

For large social games such as Survivor where the primary mechanic is social interaction.
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Post Post #4 (isolation #0) » Sat Jun 27, 2020 5:44 am

Post by Malkon05 »

Wow I can't believe it, PCW is over, but the characters still remain in our hearts. Time for our second poll of the year!

if a character is missing, that's not a mistake - it's because the player has requested we exclude that character. Please don't message us asking about it :D
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Post Post #6 (isolation #1) » Sun Dec 20, 2020 1:16 pm

Post by Malkon05 »

And our last 2020 game is now open for voting!

Please remember, you don't have to enter a score for every player!
and please don't vote on yourself, it means we have to do a little bit more work and I don't like more work

We are also going to be closing the poll on December 31, 2020 so be sure to get your votes, belated votes, corrected votes, etc. etc. in by 11:59pm EST that night!!!
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Post Post #8 (isolation #2) » Fri Jan 01, 2021 2:58 pm

Post by Malkon05 »

Chapter 1: The Reaping

“Good Evening folks! Welcome to the Annual Hunger Games hosted by yours truly, Caesar Flickerman!”

The crowd goes wild as a very charismatic man with blue hair and a thick tan walks on stage with his emblazoned suit.


“This year is so special, we’ve never seen anything like it! Not since the year of that, what did they call it, er, corodavirus? No that doesn’t sound right, perhaps coronavirus?” He looks a little perplexed for a second before deciding the second is correct. “Ah yes, that was quite a time wasn’t it?” He chuckles as the crowd laughs in tandem with him.

“Well enough about the past, we are here now in the present! A good time to be had for all. President Snow has decreed this Quarter Quell to be of epic proportions, and as such I think it’s a bit much even for me.” He says as he adjusts his wildly designed blue hair. The audience laughs and claps as he strikes a few poses and cheesy grins. “As a result, I’ve brought a celebrity to help me with commentating this year, please welcome, the encourageable, the magnificent, Effie Trinket!”

The crowd cheers as an elegant, fashionista with giant puffy hair walks out. Her perfectly sculpted cheeks rise with a smile that has the perfect amount of lipstick covering the tips in a way that give her a look of elegance. She raises a gloved hand and waves to the crowd as her grin spreads, showing a little teeth.


“Oh hello dearies, what a warm welcome you’ve given me. Such a lovely introduction by such a well-mannered co-host is the most I could have expected for here. May you all be of good health and good cheer for the most festive of events is to take place. In this Quarter Quell, we have increased the number of tributes who are participating quite dramatically! Exciting stuff isn’t it?” She smiles and claps as the crowd claps and cheers with her. “Let’s go ahead and get to meeting them as the reaping takes place!”


“Just marvelous! District 1 and 2 appears to have some real contenders don’t they?” She asks the crowd who murmurs “mhm” or nods in response. “And now as we move on to some other districts we-”

She pauses a moment and her face looks a little shaken a moment.

“Ladies and gentlemen. It appears that some of the tributes that were reaped died from starvation before getting onto the train. That’s quite unfortunate, so before we show you other districts, let us pay tribute to those who unfortunately didn’t have the stomach to even make it onto the train.”

Spoiler: #81-#72


Kaito Kuroba

Survivor: Flash Mob (16/16)

Score: 1.556
StDev: 0.726



Tommy DeVito

Survivor: Flash Mob (15/16)

Score: 1.667
StDev: 0.816



Harbinger (HHG)

Hybrid: Hunger Games (23/23)

Score: 1.667
StDev: 0.866



Quentin Lance

Survivor: PD (21/21)

Score: 1.846
StDev: 1.676



Montreal Impact (HHG)

Hybrid: Hunger Games (22/23)

Score: 1.889
StDev: 1.364



Ace Ventura

Survivor: PD (20/21)

Score: 2.200
StDev: 0.632



Donald (HHG)

Hybrid: Hunger Games (21/23)

Score: 2.300
StDev: 1.059



Tapu Lele (HHG)

Hybrid: Hunger Games (20/23)

Score: 2.500
StDev: 1.354



Graham Pike

Survivor: Flash Mob (14/16)

Score: 2.571
StDev: 0.976



Star Worn by Verka Serduchka (HHG)

Hybrid: Hunger Games (19/23)

Score: 2.778
StDev: 1.093
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Post Post #26 (isolation #3) » Sun Jan 03, 2021 1:11 pm

Post by Malkon05 »

Chapter 3: Caesar’s Roulette

“Ah, it seems like the remainder of the tributes this year have successfully made it to the capitol. The uprising failed and all is well again.” Flickerman smiles and holds on his hands as the crowd cheers. His grin is plastered on his face before speaking again. “The tributes spent the last night getting complete makeovers and accustomed to life in the capitol and are going to be gracing us with their presence in a bit.”


The crowd cheers. The tributes this year are really exciting and they aren’t afraid to show how anticipated they are. Some have clothing inspired by specific tributes. With 61 total having made it to the capitol though, there’s no shortage of fans.

“The amount of love and adoration in this room is so inspiring, truly the capitol is here in full force today showing support for those brave boys and girls who are about to face the gauntlet that is the arena. Your patriotism to the great nation of Panem fills my heart with so much love.” Effie places her hand on her heart and gives a very sentimental look to the crowd.


“Alright, without further ado, it is time to introduce the tributes! I will take some of them here, Ms. Trinket will take the others there. You can switch between both of us to get all of the action!” Flickerman says once the crowd has finished oohing and ahing.

One by one, the tributes are interviewed by both Caesar and Effie. They ask questions about their homes, how they are loving the capitol, how they miss their families, what they feel are their chances to win, and ultimately who they feel is their biggest competition.

Once all of the interview are done, Flickerman turns back to the crowd.

“Just wow, folks, quite an array of personalities and characters we have this year! It’s truly an impressive field of tributes, however…” He raises an eyebrow. “I think we have too many still.” He puts on a grin. “I have word from President Snow that we are going to whittle down the playing field right here, right now, on this stage!”

The crowd gasps as one by one the tributes are lined up on the stage on two tiers.


“Alright, Ms. Trinket and I have deliberated on how the interviews went, and those with the 9 worst interviews will get cut here and now being dropped into the pit of death!” He says.

The contestants look visibly nervous and one even begins to try to leave, but as he does, the floor disappears beneath him and he drops to his death.

The crowd gasps and then hollers.

“Now, if any of the rest of you try to escape, you will suffer the same fate.” Flickerman says. “Sorry I don’t make the rules.” He clears his throat. “With that though, one of you just got a second chance as I only need to cut 8 now. The others leaving this are…”

He pulls the lever.

Spoiler: #61-#53



Survivor: Power vs Courage vs Wisdom (18/21)

Score: 4.750
StDev: 1.390



Paul Blart

Survivor: PD (16/21)

Score: 4.833
StDev: 1.946




Survivor: Power vs Courage vs Wisdom (17/21)

Score: 4.944
StDev: 1.474



Carmine Falcone

Survivor: Flash Mob (10/16)

Score: 5.100
StDev: 1.792




Survivor: Power vs Courage vs Wisdom (16/21)

Score: 5.167
StDev: 1.543



O-Ren Ishii

Survivor: Flash Mob (9/16)

Score: 5.273
StDev: 2.901




Survivor: Power vs Courage vs Wisdom (15/21)

Score: 5.294
StDev: 1.896



Viola Cadaverini

Survivor: Flash Mob (8/16)

Score: 5.400
StDev: 1.075



Pikachu (HHG)

Hybrid: Hunger Games (17/23)

Score: 5.444
StDev: 1.944
Last edited by CaptainMeme on Mon Jan 04, 2021 1:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Post #36 (isolation #4) » Tue Jan 05, 2021 8:05 am

Post by Malkon05 »

Chapter 5: What Happens In The Training Arena…

The cart racing battle ends in total carnage as the Capitol is left to clean up the mess. The 45 or so remaining tributes are ushered off back to their respective housing units while Flickerman ends the segment seeming pretty revved up while Trinket continues to look in horror.

Some time later, the tributes are given briefings on the happenings prior to the actual Hunger Games beginning, part of this includes training in the arena.

On the second day of arena training, Flickerman and Trinket decide it’s a good idea to show folks a bit of the preview that the Gamemaker’s see before scoring the tributes. Trinket specifically mentions this as a good opportunity to see the Capitol at its finest.

“And as you can see,” Trinket says as she steps through the doors to the giant building and into the granite halls. “This glorious training arena has been used for several decades now and was built in honor of the victors who have come before.” She gestures holding out her arms as she shows off the entrance hall with a smile on her face. “Just stunning, simply marvelous.” She grins and then walks down the hall as the camera follows.

Flickerman takes a moment to readjust himself. It’s been awhile since he’s ventured outside of his studio or the commentator booth and he is a little nervous to see how the day will turn out. While Trinket has the eyes and ears of Panem on her, he enjoys a moment of solitude. Mentally preparing for the next part that President Snow has asked him to do, in tandem with their training of course. Although he finds it a bit odd that he would be asked to help in seemingly game related things to whittle down the crowd. All-in-all he finds it strange.

Once he has composed himself, however, he joins back up just as Trinket reaches the door and opens up.

He looks to the camera in a hushed voice as it shows inside. “We will now see the tributes as they are practicing survival techniques and tactics for their up and coming Arena battles. Watch as that one over there performs a javelin throw.”


Trinket watches the guy throw the spear and then gasps as it impales another tribute. The thrower looks horrified. Trinket can’t for the life of her figure out why these accidents keep happening as they film, and the camera doesn’t stop as the tribute falls dead.

Soon a fight erupts and just as the camera and both hosts are ushered a way, the sound of tributes screaming out in agony can be heard.

Once outside, Flickerman takes a deep breath, looks at the camera and with a grin he goes. “Well, I guess it’s true what they say, what happens in the training arena, stays in the training arena. Isn’t that right Effie?”


He looks to her, but the only motion she can make is one of shock and utter dismay.

Spoiler: #44-#38


Birdo (HHG)

Hybrid: Hunger Games (14/23)

Score: 5.800
StDev: 2.150




Survivor: PD (14/21)

Score: 5.818
StDev: 1.250



Lucifer Morningstar

Survivor: PD (13/21)

Score: 5.923
StDev: 2.060




Survivor: PD (12/21)

Score: 6.000
StDev: 1.206



Tracer (HHG)

Hybrid: Hunger Games (13/23)

Score: 6.000
StDev: 2.211




Survivor: Power vs Courage vs Wisdom (12/21)

Score: 6.000
StDev: 2.318




Survivor: Power vs Courage vs Wisdom (11/21)

Score: 6.118
StDev: 2.176
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Post Post #44 (isolation #5) » Thu Jan 07, 2021 7:08 am

Post by Malkon05 »

Chapter 7: The Final Pre-Game Test

One by one, the tributes enter the Performance Stage. Today, it's their job to impress their hosts, and equipmentwise they seem to have been given every conceivable way to do that. A bow here. A firemaking station there. In one corner there's even a Flappy Bird Arcade Machine, although nobody is quite sure why and wisely, none of the tributes choose to use it.

Trinket stands in the gallery, a gentle hubbub of voices surrounding her. Among the group of people assessing the tributes, it seems she is the only one actually watching - even Flickerman seems to be more taken with the casual chitchat and the (admittedly, extraordinary) feast laid out for them.


Well, there is
other person watching.

Kawazu is furiously scribbling notes as the tributes come and go. There's something strange about that. Gamemakers, of course, have to pay attention to the performances of the tributes as they decide the scores, but it's unusual for them to be this obviously taken with the proceedings. Trinket manages to contain her curiosity until the last tribute has left the stage, but she can't help but approach Kawazu after the note-taking has concluded.

"A quite wonderful array of tributes, wouldn't you say? I noticed you were absolutely capivated with them."

The Gamemaker smirks a little at that last comment.

"Kawazu Kawazu Kawazu Chiaotsu Chiaotsu Chiaotsu RIP RIP RIP"

And then he leaves. Trinket is left a little confused, but she supposes that gamemakers are busy people and don’t have time to explain everything.


The next day, the tributes are each led (some a little more forcefully than others) to their respective elevators, sealed inside the transparent tubes that will bring them up to the grounds of the Arena.

The screen across from each elevator lights up, transmitting a broadcast from President Snow himself.


"Tributes, I must congratulate each of you on progressing to this point. You are about to become beacons of hope to our people, signs of the great traditions of Panem..."

A tribute sighs. The atmosphere was tense enough without a long monologue beforehand. As much as they don't want to be in the arena, they'd prefer to feel the elevator rise than spend what feels like an eternity listening to the same old address.

"...and it is our traditions that make us strong. Our traditions state that each year, two tributes from each district will compete in these games..."

The tribute had zoned out a little, trying to focus on anything but the approaching dread. Do I go for the cornucopia? Do I run? They take a deep breath, and suddenly one question instantly banishes all of the others.
Why does the air taste like this?

"...and so it will be this year. Seven of the districts still have three tributes, which is unacceptable. Those who received the lowest scores from the Gamemaker will be culled prior to the game's start."


As all but seven of the elevators begin to rise, Snow continues.

"Happy Hunger Games, and may the odds be ever in your favour."

Spoiler: #31-#25


Wenya Zhu (HHG)

Hybrid: Hunger Games (10/23)

Score: 6.667
StDev: 2.121




Survivor: Power vs Courage vs Wisdom (9/21)

Score: 6.667
StDev: 2.351



Stitch (HHG)

Hybrid: Hunger Games (=8/23)

Score: 6.700
StDev: 2.058



Kirby (HHG)

Hybrid: Hunger Games (=8/23)

Score: 6.700
StDev: 1.947




Survivor: Power vs Courage vs Wisdom (8/21)

Score: 6.706
StDev: 1.896



Nick Wilde (PD)

Survivor: PD (10/21)

Score: 6.750
StDev: 1.215



The Bobfather

Survivor: Flash Mob (2/16)

Score: 6.800
StDev: 1.549
Last edited by CaptainMeme on Mon Jan 11, 2021 4:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Post #50 (isolation #6) » Sat Jan 09, 2021 11:06 am

Post by Malkon05 »

Chapter 9: Goat Safari

Trinket is almost asleep at the commentators desk. It's been a fairly uneventful day since the initial cornucopia bloodbath, and dusk came and went with no further action. Despite this, Flickerman still seems to be just as upbeat and jovial as always.

"...and we'll be reaching midnight here in about an hour, folks. A quick recap; we've seen the players scatter all around the arena since that initial fight, with very few meeting one another. In fact, the few who have seem to have teamed up! Districts 11 and 12 are, of course, still holding the Cornucopia together."

"Quite right, Caesar!" Effie wakes herself up enough to take her cue, "An unlikely pairing of tributes, Judy from 5 and Ted Cruz from 7, were earlier chased away from the Cornucopia by this group. They chose to team up rather than fight! They're still stranded in the open grasslands though, so they're going to need to find shelter if they want any rest at all tonight."

"And of course, the pair of careers are still lurking on the edge of the forest, near the cornucopia. Perhaps waiting for their chance to get revenge on 11 and 12 for Susan's death? We'll have to wait and-"

Effie suddenly jumps in, squeaking excitedly and pointing at one of the feeds. "We have action!"

"Well, that's a quick lesson in where to set up camp. Never sleep out in the open!" Caesar chuckles. Effie is sitting there in shock, having never seen anyone move as fast as Bill had there. Poor Scruff never stood a chance.

"And it seems everything's happening at once now!"

"River had a solid idea sleeping in that tree, but it seems Leon had the same plan? Has he seen her? He's climbing and... Yes, yes, he's seen her! And she's still fast asleep!"

Both of the commentators fall silent as they watch the event unfold on the feeds, Leon climbing closer and closer to the sleeping Song. He's so silent that both of them jump when they hear the sudden crack, and watch him fall.

"Oh my gosh!"

Caesar once again lets out his patented laugh. "Well, that certainly seems to have woken River, but it would seem that the threat to her has been dealt with."

Effie jumps in again as Caesar tilts his head, listening to his earpiece. "Well, it's high time we go to this chase..."

"No time! There's bigger happenings elsewhere!"

"It seems Grouch and Rust chose this as their moment to strike! And Oaki's spotted them! But he's not waking the others. What's going on here? Is he... talking them down?"

Trinket gasps. "Why yes! He's keeping his distance but they seem to be talking. And what's this now?"

The commentators watch in amazement as Oaki enters the Cornucopia, the two careers looking on with interest. And Caesar winces as all three of the sleeping tributes are quickly eliminated.

"I think that might be a betrayal for the history books."

“As exciting as that last one was, it appears another exciting moment might be happening!” Trinket says as the camera moves into Cave of Regigigas. Viewers can see Hercule Poirot from District 5 sleeping just inside, clearly using the cave to shield himself from the rain, but approaching from the lower corner is Zod from District 7 who has a knife and an evil looking smile on his face as he approaches.

“Oh wow, are we going to get another death?!” Flickerman states as his eyes are glued to the screen.

Zod clearly has the intent to kill as the screen shows him walking up to Hercule. Just as he raises the knife Poirot sits up a bit and cowers, but then both seem to pause as the sound of...goats?...starts to rumble from deep within the cave.

Before either can react, the camera begins to tremble as a large amount of goats swarms both of the tributes.


Neither commentator says anything until the goats finally run out of the cave in retreat. As the dust settles, one of the tributes stands up, while the other remains motionless on the ground.

It’s just then that a cannon sounds as Zod’s face lights up on the screen.

“A...pack of...wild goats...just trampled Zod to death...this truly is a unique arena this year.” Flickerman says a bit flabbergasted.

Before doing anything else, Poirot carefully reaches for an envelope which the camera zooms in on, with the words “Sponsor: Goat Safari” scrawled on the front. As he opens the letter, the camera reads:

“Do not die Hercule” and is signed by Dr. Kawazu Flim Gallagher.

“It appears a last minute sponsor has decided to give Poirot a 2nd chance in these games, will he be able to rise to the occasion?” Trinket says after taking a minute to digest. “In the meantime, let’s honor the tributes we have lost today.”

Spoiler: #18-#13


Scruff McGruff

Survivor: PD (8/21)

Score: 7.143
StDev: 1.610



Leon Kennedy

Survivor: PD (7/21)

Score: 7.167
StDev: 2.038




Survivor: Power vs Courage vs Wisdom (6/21)

Score: 7.176
StDev: 1.510




Survivor: Power vs Courage vs Wisdom (5/21)

Score: 7.353
StDev: 1.579



Ancient Oven

Survivor: Power vs Courage vs Wisdom (4/21)

Score: 7.412
StDev: 2.347



Zod (HHG)

Hybrid: Hunger Games (3/23)

Score: 7.500
StDev: 2.273
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Post Post #69 (isolation #7) » Mon Jan 11, 2021 12:54 pm

Post by Malkon05 »

Chapter 11: The End Nears

"Well, it looks like our remaining tributes are converging on two locations! Poirot is heading towards Kazawu Falls, where Penelope Garcia has been holed up almost since the beginning of this game. Oaki is tracking Poirot, and Bill seems to have picked up on Oaki's trail! I imagine we'll see some action there soon."

"But the action right now is at the Cornucopia!"

Urbosa approaches the Cornucopia slowly, but with a look of determination on her face. A haphazard barricade has been erected at the entrance - weapon racks, rucksacks, an oven, anything that was in the cornucopia and could be pushed to the front has been.

She grins as she reaches the entrance. How kind of Jake to leave her all this choice of weaponry!

The oven is quickly tossed aside, revealing the silhouette slumped against the back wall. Is he... already dead? She enters cautiously, her trusty spear at the ready. As she takes another step closer, her eyes adjust to the darkness a little better. The silhouette has... feathers?

Her instincts kick in, and she's already turning around as Jake leaps at her from behind. He's fast enough to avoid the tip of the spear, but he's sent flying as he takes a hard blow to his side. There's a loud CRACK as he collides with the wall, falling to the floor.

Urbosa raises the spear to finish the job, although from the look of Jake, she needn't bother. But before she can bring it down, she freezes, then drops to the floor. An arrow whistles as it passes through the space where her head was moments ago.

River is still frantically trying to notch another arrow as Urbosa bears down on her. She fumbles and drops the bow, watching the spear rise as Urbosa leaps into the air...


The shout from the Cornucopia isn't all that loud, but it's enough to distract Urbo for just a moment. And a moment is all River needed. She rolls forward, thrusting the arrow out in front of her with both hands... and that's right where Urbosa lands. She looks down in shock, but she was already just about running on adrenaline, and it's only moments before life has left her.

River stands up, still shaking from shock. Jake is unsteadily leaning on a weapon rack, grinning at her. He gives a mock salute, and then collapses to the ground.

"Well folks, that was quite the fight! But no time to dawdle - it would seem the other four tributes are about to face off!"

Indeed, Poirot has reached Kawazu Falls. Trinket squints at her feeds - the map clearly shows that Penelope is here, but where? She's nowhere on any of the cameras. Poirot kneels down, seemingly to drink, but suddenly seems a good deal more interested in the dirt at the edge of the falls than he is in the river itself.

And suddenly, he's speaking.

"I hear you,
mon ami
. Zere eez no reason we cannot talk zis out."

He gets to his feet, turning around as Oaki emerges from the bushes behind him.

"Yehehehehe." Oaki looks delighted. "You've good hearing for your age, old man! What do you suggest?"

It's another few minutes before Bill the Butcher approaches the scene, keeping to the shadows. His hatchet at the ready, he edges towards the stream, knowing full well people have been here before him. He never lets his guard down as he takes a short drink, then backs into the shadows again.

It's only after the cannon fires that Poirot emerges, Oaki sitting on his shoulder.

"Yahahaha! But how did you know?"

"Ze leetle grey zells,
mon ami
. Notice how ze water runs red at ze base of ze waterfall, but not at ze top? Zere eez clearly something in ze water."

He sighs. "It eez my belief zat we are not ze only two to have figured zat out, mon ami. See ze tracks zat lead away from ze water before zey have reached a point close enough to drink?"

Oaki chuckles as the two walk away, Poirot telling him to keep his eyes peeled. Had Poirot headed north instead of west, he may have found Penelope, slowly bleeding out where Oaki had left them. Perhaps it was for the best he did not, especially with their killer perched on his shoulder.

Spoiler: #7-#4


Penelope Garcia

Survivor: PD (3/21)

Score: 8.077
StDev: 1.115



Jake Peralta

Survivor: PD (2/21)

Score: 8.462
StDev: 1.391



Bill the Butcher

Survivor: Flash Mob (1/16)

Score: 8.636
StDev: 1.286




Survivor: Power vs Courage vs Wisdom (2/21)

Score: 8.647
StDev: 1.730

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