Mini 2167: Illicit Substances Mafia (Game Over!)

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Mini 2167: Illicit Substances Mafia (Game Over!)

Post Post #0 (isolation #0) » Tue Sep 15, 2020 6:44 pm

Post by Nachomamma8 »

(Game still on track to start Friday morning. Feel free to post in your PTs. I won't yell at you and you won't break anything.)

Welcome to this particular piece of my life, of my personal experiences. The words you are about to read are (mostly) true. Names and nicknames may have been changed. Places, times, all have been changed. But the emotions and the visions are all true. Please remember that the following experience is my experience and my experience alone - this is not an endorsement of drugs in general, nor is it a condemnation of them. This is a confession.
Before we begin, a bit of background.

Imagine me. I was a member of a fraternity in the middle of the city of Chicago. I hadn't intended on joining initially - fraternities were something that I made fun of quite a bit in my first year until starting the process with a fraternity so I could "see what it was like" before falling in love with the sense of community and having a shit ton of the process overall. It wasn't what fraternities are portrayed to be in pop culture, of course - less of "white-washed ass bags" and more "diverse group of nerds with a passion for getting fucked up".

Well, this particular passion today led me to a moment where I'm handed some weird fucking drug wrapped in a gum wrapper. "It's like acid." I'm assured. I've never taken acid before, so big fucking help this is to me. I'm a bit notorious for oversleeping (goes hand in hand with overdrinking and living underground where sun doesn't pierce the shittiest of curtains), so I have a bad habit of going VERY hard in the beginning of the day so that I can catch up with the more ambitious members of the group who have their shit together enough to start drinking in the mornings as opposed to the early afternoon.

"I took two tabs already, I still feel fine." Now THIS is more helpful to me - the man in question in Squeegee, a man whom I dearly love but whom I can absolutely drink under the table. I have faith in my body's ability to handle whatever toxins I stuff inside of myself; I'm 20, I'm invincible. I take four. Squeegee giggles for a reason I don't yet understand. I feel fine.

Mini 2166: Illicit Substances Mafia

Secret Tunnel (notscience & innocent villager)
Remilia Scarlet (borkjerfkin & guyinfreezer)
Maid Cafe (MariaR & beeboy)

April Ludgate

vanilla town
passed out drunk on the streets of Chicago day one
vanilla town
led a vanilla life and faded away one
one-shot rolecop cut out of our lives day two
goon sent to rehab day three
420 Blaze It
non-consecutive white mage wandered off night three
vanilla town sent to rehab day four
The bulge
vanilla town awaits death flavor night four
morph lynched day 5
bell killed night 5

The Bulge
Secret Tunnels
Morph the Cat
Remilia Scarlet
zmuffin man
April Ludgate
Last edited by Nachomamma8 on Sat Nov 14, 2020 1:16 pm, edited 10 times in total.
"Playing with Nacho is like playing with a religious conservative." ~UncertainKitten

-- Fate, Vanilla Townie, was brutally stabbed by a throwing sword in endgame.
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Post Post #1 (isolation #1) » Wed Sep 16, 2020 5:57 pm

Post by Nachomamma8 »


This game follows site rules. My assumption is that you know what they are and me copy+pasting them here won't be helpful because no one will read them. If you aren't aware of site rules and have trouble locating them, please reach out to me or Tammy and we will be more than happy to clarify. I do not have many black and white rules; this fits the theme nicely and I've additionally always been a "spirit, not the letter" kind of individual. I understand that this is an unconventional approach, and as a result, communication is key - if there is questions that you'd like answered, simply ask and I will answer and stick them in this section as a FAQ.

Things Everyone Should Know!
  • Deadlines in this game will be 10 business days; if a decision isn't reached by deadline, a No Lynch happens automatically. I will issue prods/replacements as I see fit, but general guideline is a prod if you haven't posted every 48 hours. This means if you have an impact on the game and disappear for a long weekend I won't see a word but if you post a prod dodge after not posting for a couple days you're still getting prodded.
  • All private topics in this game have daychat. I will make a discord for them automatically, and will do my best to transcribe that chat to the thread. If one person doesn't want the thread public then I won't make it public but it's an all or nothing rule (no redactions).
  • Mafia Members may make t
    e factional nightkill in addition to any active abilities they have. Mafia Members have pre-written fakeclaims AND I will fabricate additional fakeclaims upon request. That being said, don't quote role PMs; paraphrasing is fine, don't quote, quoting makes my life harder and bullshitting much more difficult.
  • There is only one scum faction in this game. There are no third parties.
  • The spoiled stuff below is sample role PMs and win conditions if you're into that.
Spoiler: Sample Stuff - What the Other Guys looked at when they opened their Role PM
Sample Win Conditions

There's this phrase... it's an old phrase, it's a dumb phrase, but here it is: when you fall off the horse, you have to get back in the saddle. It's simplistic of course, but "even when life deals you the shittiest hands imaginable and shits in your mouth you need to spit it out and turn it to gold or some shit because not doing so means that you aren't even living life, you're just suffering through it" doesn't quite have the same mouthfeel. And even though it's something you hear constantly, even though it's hard to actually take to heart because sometimes dark clouds last forever but eventually, this too will pass. Every moment is an opportunity to improve, discover or meet something or someone new, to mold your life or someone else's in a positive way. There is always hope, and there is always a future, even when life is at its darkest. Push for that hope.

Hope Is A Hell Of A Drug :
(Town-Aligned): You have plenty of friends who want to do the same thing you do what you want to do and all you have to do is find them!

You are Town. You win when all Mafia-aligned players are dead, and there is at least one Town-aligned player alive.

The world is dark and cruel, only the strong survive. Only those who have grown from wounds that cut deep can make hope in another person's face a living. However, this is only truly profitable for the first great betrayal; after you've already taken everything that someone can give, it's time to move on.

You Are Not Alone:
(Mafia-Aligned): Your scumbuddies are YYYY and ZZZZ. The scum private topic (where you can post at any time) can be found link. Scum discord can be found link.

You are aligned with the Mafia. You win when number of Mafia-aligned players alive are greater than or equal to the number of Town-aligned players alive.

Sample Role PM:

Flavor. Flavor flavor flavor. Town flavor is centered around people in my life and traits I like about them and an experience or rant defining that trait. Scum flavor is bad emotions and rants about bad emotions.

You are Whoever the Fuck You Are, Town/Mafia Aligned Mafia Wiki Official Role (or Made Up Name).

Italicized flavor for your specific power if you got something more than Goon or VT.

Flavor for Power (Role Name for Power): Description of power.

<Sample Win Condition Section goes here>
Sample Role Flip:

PLAYERNAME, Flavor Name (Role Name), ali
ned with the
, died in a way that flavorful but neutral way that doesn't inform players who killed the person that died the night before!

Spoiler: Things that I Forgot That Are Now Public Information Thanks to You, the Listener!
"Playing with Nacho is like playing with a religious conservative." ~UncertainKitten

-- Fate, Vanilla Townie, was brutally stabbed by a throwing sword in endgame.
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Post Post #2 (isolation #2) » Sat Sep 19, 2020 7:39 pm

Post by Nachomamma8 »

Feel free to post! Game will officially begin when I have 10/13 players confirmed.
"Playing with Nacho is like playing with a religious conservative." ~UncertainKitten

-- Fate, Vanilla Townie, was brutally stabbed by a throwing sword in endgame.
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Post Post #2169 (isolation #3) » Thu Sep 24, 2020 3:45 pm

Post by Nachomamma8 »

Thank you to all who shared this survey with me - these are my responses. I know I'M cluttering the thread by doing this shit, but if you want to respond to specific points, please do so in your PT or via PM instead of in thread.

1) What is your personal relationship with drugs?

When I was around 12/13, I spent a lot of time at my best friend's house, where we lived kitty corner from the main drug dealer in town. Drugs were easily accessible when I was younger and it was something that most people around me did, so I just sort of got sucked into them. I smoked a fair amount of weed, did a decent amount of ecstasy when I was younger. Smoked a lot of weed, dabbled in hallucinogens when I was older. I don't do anything now - I am obligated to drug test my employees as part of my work and so it feels too slimy to have to fire someone for a positive drug result when I myself am doing shit.

I enjoyed drugs because of the different perspectives they offer; hallucinogens especially were absolutely fucking insane and this drug trip in particular laid out a lot of my fears in front of me in a way where I experienced the "what's the worst that could happen?" scenarios in a way that felt incredibly, incredibly weird while on the outside I was just a guy doing crazy shit.

2) What is one thing that you wish you could do or one thing that you'd do more often with lowered inhibitions?

This has changed a lot since managing people, but sometimes usually the thing that I have trouble doing is being a bit more confrontational when necessary in the moment. It usually ISN'T necessary, but sometimes you need to dig your heels and tell people to fuck off and I'm always hesitant to take that step because it usually just burns bridges.

3) What is one thing that you regret?

I've done a number of very shitty things in my lifetime, but I am also of the perspective that I wouldn't be the person I am today without the mistakes I made in the past, so if "regret" is equivalent to "things that I did that I would take back if I could" there's not a lot of regret in my life. I did once tell an ex-girlfriend that I hated her hair (and didn't so much as attempt to conceal my disdain because I wasn't thinking) and I saw her face drop and definitely would take that one back if I could.

4) What is one thing that you are irrationally afraid of?

When I was younger, it was tornadoes. We lived close to a fire station and there would always be an earsplitting alarm coupled with stepmom freaking the fuck out tripled with the wind itself - I'd always run the the closet and chant "wind wind, ease down. please do not destroy our town." until it went away. Then, one fateful day, my mom forced me outside when all that shit was happening and it was underwhelming and that took a huge amount of the edge off. Then, it was heights. Not like a crippling fear, but thanks to toxic masculinity, my friends badgered me to ride the Top Thrill Dragster at Cedar Point and that was that. Now my irrational fear is centered around just standing still; getting trapped doing the same shit day in and day out without growing or changing or moving or finding something new.

5) What is one bad thing that happened to you that made you a better person?

I was homeless for a very very brief period of time, and by "homeless" I mean that my mom and I slept in her very nice car for a couple of weeks with a bunch of our possessions stuffed in her back seat. That was the first time that I really got a glimpse behind the curtain, so to speak: that was the moment when I realized maybe we WERE poor and I think was the spark that taught me appreciation for things that I wouldn't have otherwise.

6) What is something that empowers you/pumps you up?

Music. Music all fucking day. I love songs from a majority of genres - I love the feeling when you discover a new song and you listen to it over and over, I love the moment when you rediscover an old song you used to listen to that defined a portion of your life, I love the moment when an artist that you're listening to has a stellar fucking lyric that you connect with, I love the moment when you hear a song you've loved for a long time in person and you
the emotions on the artist's face when they sing it, I love the feeling when an entire room belts out a group song, etc etc. Music fucking owns.

7) How would you define yourself - what hobbies, habits, pursuits make you the person that you are?

I would define myself as someone who can understand and connect with a wide variety of people - my interests are pretty fucking all over the place and I think that I've had the privilege of connecting with a wide range of people in my life - ever since I was young I've always felt like I was straddling two different worlds with home life vs outside the home life and definitely still feel the "connects to many groups, belongs to none" sense that I had when I was a young black kid that talked white.
"Playing with Nacho is like playing with a religious conservative." ~UncertainKitten

-- Fate, Vanilla Townie, was brutally stabbed by a throwing sword in endgame.
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Post Post #2197 (isolation #4) » Thu Sep 24, 2020 6:13 pm

Post by Nachomamma8 »

In post 2185, PlusJOYED wrote:
In post 2166, notscience wrote:I don’t think it’s likely an entire group like that drew scum together.

And I don’t think it’s likely scum lies solely in the outliers from said groups either.
notsci i've seen you do this like 4 times now in between this game and [redacted] lol
This is against site rules, don't do this. Leaving the specific game title out doesn't take away the fact that you're making a substantive observation based on a game that is not complete.
In post 2191, PlusJOYED wrote:am i allowed to link you ongoing games where im dead or is that against the rules
And as others have iterated, that would be against the rules.

Please read this post when you get the opportunity; you will get the privilege of being mesmerized by UT's avatar and you will be informed on how not to be struck down by the holiest of fire.
"Playing with Nacho is like playing with a religious conservative." ~UncertainKitten

-- Fate, Vanilla Townie, was brutally stabbed by a throwing sword in endgame.
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Post Post #4047 (isolation #5) » Thu Oct 01, 2020 7:23 pm

Post by Nachomamma8 »

Ruby Rhod had always prided himself on being someone with a strong sense of control. He, like his father and grandfather before him, had served in the military, which at a time where he was on reserve and only obligated to basic intermittently, didn't dictate his every day habits except for a few notable exceptions - the ghosts of discipline that refuse to be banished. He still woke up at 5:45 every morning, and he still was always perfectly put together, no matter how fucked up he was the night before. Even when he was drunk enough to the point of he was belting out Beelzeboss and most of the 50th Law Mixtape whether there was music in the background or the not, he still placed himself in an area that was safe. Tonight was different.

He was alone - there wasn't a sober (or at the very least, soberer) buddy to tell him that what he was doing was idiotic, and there wasn't even a stranger who would feel obligated to take care of him if only to prevent him dying on their doorstep. He was lost - he remembered fragments of yelling at someone and someone yelling back. He remembered someone at an apartment he didn't recognize asking him to say "Bloody Hell!" and "Harry Potter!" and him entertaining them but searching for a way to leave without seeming like a jackass. What he didn't remember is what stop he got off on the Blue Line (or if his last stop even was the Blue Line), or where he thought he was headed.

But did it really matter? He remembered how he got to this point, at least - his application for financial aid was denied, which means that he was being forced to go back home for a year in the hopes the college would change their mind and let him complete his education, which, if he continued with the plan that he'd committed to and he told his family he'd been committed to, meant that he'd only be able to complete half of his education. Who knows what law school would let him in? Who knows what jobs he could find after completing law school? How could he justify hoping that he would pull himself out of this mess when he couldn't even complete the first step? He just wanted a day where he didn't have to deal with worrying about his lack of a future, and so he drank and he drank too much, and now look where he ended up?

What was bubbly alcoholic joy minutes earlier quickly faded to sheer panic and he felt the urge to just stand in the middle of the road and scream for help, but was derailed by his phone buzzing in his pocket. He fumbled for it, trying several times to figure out how to answer it until he finally dropped it to the ground. At the sight of his last hope clattering on the concrete, Ruby Rhod let his consciousness slip away.

Alisae, Crossing the Line (Vanilla Townie), aligned with the
, passed out drunk on the streets of Chicago Day 1!

Night 1 officially begins!

Deadline for night is 72 hours*, meaning that we will open the game thread on Monday morning. You may submit actions to either Tammy or myself.

* = apparently unable to do basic math
"Playing with Nacho is like playing with a religious conservative." ~UncertainKitten

-- Fate, Vanilla Townie, was brutally stabbed by a throwing sword in endgame.
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Post Post #4048 (isolation #6) » Sun Oct 04, 2020 1:52 pm

Post by Nachomamma8 »

The day surrounding my trip began fairly normally, as far as a day in the life of College-cho went. My day was cleared specifically so I could do drugs, but I also was up late partying the night before and have a well-documented love of sleeping in, so by the time I had shuffled in and out of the communal shower and to the kitchen (our preferred location for doing drugs on the weekdays), Squeegee, my partner in crime, was the only one left in the room, and his eyes brightened in a way that would have set my scumdar ablaze if I wasn't currently processing the world through a hungover haze. Squeegee is a beautiful man and I loved him dearly, but he would often serve as either the mother of the group or the enabler. Much like his father, Squeegee was an incredibly warm and caring individual who also had a barely hidden sadistic streak and kind of just enjoyed watching the world burn. And so from this sketchy, sketchy man I took three or four tabs of a substance that I assumed was acid and downed them along with a beer poured from the basement tap.

And of course, nothing happened at first. Our trip sitter, a wise old graduate student who also served as a bit of a tastemaker in vice, had an initial panic attack about how much I took (it was apparently WAY more than Squeegee took, although I got conflicting stories on that as well), but the resolution was that as long as I didn't fall asleep while I was tripping balls, I wouldn't die. As you might imagine, this wasn't incredibly reassuring to hear when you're about to go on a trip, but I've always been a "roll with the punches" type of guy so I pushed it to the back of my mind and went about my day.

The first bit of a trip is always kind of scientific f
r me; I know that some shoe is about to drop but I don't exactly know the shape nor the nature of it (and sometimes these things are incredibly underwhelming), so
queegee and I mostly started out by chatting whether the skies were bluer, or if we were seeing cracks in the pavement that weren't there, or (always my f
vorite part), wondering if people in the outside world could pick us out a mile away and figure out that today we weren't on the same wavelen
th with them. It began to hit Squeegee first, who would secretly touch his left nipple, flinch, as if he'd been shocked, then giggle mercilessly. We also yanked a fairly sizeable group of friends with us to come with us to the beach to witness th
spectacle, where we chased each other around, wrestled on the grass, hung out on the beach.

It took until that moment for me to realize that I hit the point of no return; that I was officially headed off to somewhere else and it was going to be a doozy. I closed my eyes and I felt the world form barriers around me; the breez
from the beach that felt lovely before now was no longer shielding us from the summer sun, and now was enough to make you shiver, but this barrier around me protected me - the word
very solidly sticks in my mind whenever I think about it, but while the concept of a magical barrier surrounding me seems a
solutely ridiculous to a sober brain and the words and thoughts that went through my mind in the moment are now all gone - the feeling of being protected but also knowing that once I step outside of that circle of protection all hell was bound to break loose - that feeling I can still r
member as if all this crazy shit went down yesterday. I looked over at Squeegee, whose eyes were now a little wider with fear, as
f he was feeling the same thing I did and he k
ew we would need to move from it soon. I nodded at him. We looked at our trip sitter.

"Time to go?"

We nodded,
nd he dragged his two charges out into the world.

Less than 6 hours remain to submit those actions! You may submit them in your PTs, to Tammy, or to myself.
"Playing with Nacho is like playing with a religious conservative." ~UncertainKitten

-- Fate, Vanilla Townie, was brutally stabbed by a throwing sword in endgame.
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Post Post #5910 (isolation #7) » Mon Oct 12, 2020 11:14 pm

Post by Nachomamma8 »

The point of this game is that the path to becoming a bad person is going through a bad experience or making a poor decision and NOT taking away from it at the end of the day. It's okay to do shitty things that you regret; we are human, we all miss the target from time to time. What draws me more to Buddhism than almost anything else is its emphasis on balance, and its emphasis on processing emotions instead of suppressing them or judging. It is OK to mess up; it is OK to feel bad about messing up because keeping your mistakes in mind is what helps you from repeating them in the future. It is OK to feel shitty about yourself every once in a while; it is better to understand what's making you feel the way you are, process that emotion, and grow from it - shoving it in a bottle to deal with it later never works in my ridiculously limited experience.

There's also never a point where you decide to become a bad person. And while I don't think we decide to become bad people, there are points where we become bad influences, where we become toxic, where we become detrimental to the very people that we are trying to help. Where we are afraid to feel guilty, where we are afraid to take responsibility for our mistakes in an interaction because a vast majority of the time it takes two to tango. There are people like Mr. Eko, people who make difficult choices for greater good or people who take the darkness into themselves for other people. And then there are people like my stepmother.

I share her love for "headbanging music" - she was the one who taught me that music could evoke an emotional state that could empower you to do whatever the fuck you wanted to do. I share her love for nature, and animals - without her, I never would have formed the bond that I had with my cat Pepper, whose loss can still bring tears to my eyes 6 years later. I appreciate that she brought out in my mom and I a willingness to confront bigotry whenever it was found. But she made the wrong choice when she decided that bright-eyed young, innocent me was an obstacle to the relationship she had with my mom. She made the wrong choice when she chased me around the house with a broom. She made the wrong choice when she kicked us out and made us homeless. She became a parasite, which is why the day I moved out of the house and went to college was the last day I had anything to say to her.

It's much easier to wrong people when you lose track of their humanity and your vision begins to blur when it reaches anything beyond your inner circle (or worse yet, when it reaches anything past you). I hope that doesn't happen to me.

PlusJOYED, Exploitation (One-Shot Rolecop), aligned with the
, cut out of our lives Day 2!

Night 2 officially begins!!

Deadline is Thursday @ 2:30 AM CST because I'd like to open the thread before I leave for work on Thursday.
If you complain loud enough I can extend the night and will make an announcement in thread doing so.

Please submit all actions in either PT or PM them to me (and NOT Tammy) - I don't want to have to wake her up and make her log in before I leave for work Thursday morning because she's often cranky when I do that.
"Playing with Nacho is like playing with a religious conservative." ~UncertainKitten

-- Fate, Vanilla Townie, was brutally stabbed by a throwing sword in endgame.
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Post Post #5911 (isolation #8) » Thu Oct 15, 2020 3:29 pm

Post by Nachomamma8 »

placeholder for later =[
"Playing with Nacho is like playing with a religious conservative." ~UncertainKitten

-- Fate, Vanilla Townie, was brutally stabbed by a throwing sword in endgame.
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Post Post #5912 (isolation #9) » Thu Oct 15, 2020 3:31 pm

Post by Nachomamma8 »

No one has died.

Maid Cafe has been temporarily removed from the game. They cannot post, vote, nor be voted.
"Playing with Nacho is like playing with a religious conservative." ~UncertainKitten

-- Fate, Vanilla Townie, was brutally stabbed by a throwing sword in endgame.
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Post Post #5920 (isolation #10) » Thu Oct 15, 2020 3:41 pm

Post by Nachomamma8 »

Vote Count 3.1

Day Three Begins!

“I felt like my mind had been ripped apart, and I continued to doubt everything that I had ever done or said… I feel I had some sort of post-traumatic stress from this experience. I felt I had developed a social disorder because I could not talk to strangers and I felt like I would have an anxiety attack just looking someone in the eye… 25I-NBOMe was NOT a drug to play with… I will never take 25I again.” —F.M.

Not Voting (9)
: April Ludgate, The Bulge, morph the cat, zMuffinMan, Bell, Remilia Scarlet, midway bear, 420 Blaze It, Secret Tunnels

Maid Cafe can't post, vote or be voted today.

With 9 votes in play it takes 5 to send to rehab.

Friday, October 29 at 9:00 pm.

(expired on 2020-10-29 21:00:00)
"Playing with Nacho is like playing with a religious conservative." ~UncertainKitten

-- Fate, Vanilla Townie, was brutally stabbed by a throwing sword in endgame.
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Post Post #6972 (isolation #11) » Tue Oct 20, 2020 6:25 pm

Post by Nachomamma8 »

In post 6676, morph the cat wrote:
@Mod assuming a white mage's protective ability would persist after their death, if they acted successfully on the night of their death?
Assuming correctly.
"Playing with Nacho is like playing with a religious conservative." ~UncertainKitten

-- Fate, Vanilla Townie, was brutally stabbed by a throwing sword in endgame.
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Post Post #7845 (isolation #12) » Wed Oct 28, 2020 12:34 pm

Post by Nachomamma8 »

Darkness fell. Temperature dropped.
The world turned to clay.

The day that we had by the beach two hours earlier now seemed like a distant memory as the world around me became much more sinister. Weeds on the ground stretched towards my feet, trees began to droop and reach out to me with
erratic claymation motions as if I was transplanted into the world of Robot Chicken.
I took my time walking through the street, focusing hard on not allowing myself to be chased off the sidewalk by malevolent flora and attempting not to break laws in excess of
"tripping major balls in public".
I felt okay, but I felt afraid.

"Buck, be careful - you don't want the
you acting

? What was
Was I weird?

Every car that looked vaguely like a Crown Victoria, Dodge Charger, Ford Explorer became police vehicles - I saw
POLICE emblazoned on every door and a siren on every roof.
Every light became blue and red. It was too late for me to be careful because the world had turned against me. I fought every instinct and bit my tongue so that I didn't scream for help - Squeegee, who I was so close to a moment before, was continually scanning for the villains that could derail our college careers.

I don't remember the next hour and a half. I am told that it took us an hour to make a walk that should have taken 20 minutes, and that our original plan of taking a shuttle home was derailed because Squeegee and I didn't trust moving vehicles. I do remember making it back to University Ave. - the clayvision had disappeared at that point and I finally felt like I found my way to someplace that looked like home, and the intense feelings of stress and paranoia that took over my brain function melted away. I went to reach out and hug the woman standing in front of me, but Squeegee, in a brief moment of clarity, yanked me back and smiled at the police officer that was
unknowingly saved from my embrace.

Then there's a gap in my memory again - I remember standing calmly in line at Hallowed Grounds (tiny student coffee shop above the main food court),
humming with a pastry in my hand.
I also remember Squeegee standing in front of me,
- I also remember
for some reason and now suddenly wonder how this moment never got brought up in my next three years in college (
"hey, are you that guy who lost his shit in Hallowed Grounds?"
) or ("hey! can I have a free beer? i was the person who was trying to sell you the danish when you started
screaming nonsense
and had to be dragged out of the store by a bunch of random dudes."). I also wonder how the
frat bros made it to bail us out before the cops came
- University of Chicago has the
largest privatized police force outside of the Vatican
(as they are VERY fond of saying), there was the attempted hug cop outside, there were security guards in Bart Mart across the street from us, and still that
ragtag group of Alpha Delta Phis managed to organize and save two very conspicuously high men)

I remember sitting in the kitchen, looking at the clock. It was 8:30 PM and two of my friends were discussing whether they should call an ambulance for me - we'd been
drunk together
times, so this alarmed me. My tripsitter reiterated that
I couldn't go to sleep or else I might not wake up.
My pledge father, the only member of the fraternity taller than I am, sat down with me. "You'll be OK." he said, and I could see in his eyes that he meant it.

My tripsitter looked at me again. "Try to say up until 2 AM, OK? That at least gives 12 hours for the drug to get out of your system."

I nodded. The world went black again.
"Playing with Nacho is like playing with a religious conservative." ~UncertainKitten

-- Fate, Vanilla Townie, was brutally stabbed by a throwing sword in endgame.
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Post Post #8084 (isolation #13) » Thu Nov 12, 2020 7:01 pm

Post by Nachomamma8 »

Vote Count 6.1 - Welcome to Heartbreak

Not Voting (4)
: Remilia Scarlet, Secret Tunnel, maid cafe, April Ludgate

With 4 votes in play it takes 3 to send to rehab.

Friday, November 27th at noon

(expired on 2020-11-27 12:00:00)
"Playing with Nacho is like playing with a religious conservative." ~UncertainKitten

-- Fate, Vanilla Townie, was brutally stabbed by a throwing sword in endgame.
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Post Post #8087 (isolation #14) » Thu Nov 12, 2020 9:17 pm

Post by Nachomamma8 »

In post 8085, Remilia Scarlet wrote:uhhh did bell get yeeted? the fuck is going on?
Bell is deader than dead.
"Playing with Nacho is like playing with a religious conservative." ~UncertainKitten

-- Fate, Vanilla Townie, was brutally stabbed by a throwing sword in endgame.
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Post Post #8220 (isolation #15) » Sat Nov 14, 2020 1:17 pm

Post by Nachomamma8 »

...and that's a wrap.

Remilia Scarlet, Mafia-Aligned Isolator, has been lynched and town has won the game!
"Playing with Nacho is like playing with a religious conservative." ~UncertainKitten

-- Fate, Vanilla Townie, was brutally stabbed by a throwing sword in endgame.
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Post Post #8221 (isolation #16) » Sat Nov 14, 2020 1:20 pm

Post by Nachomamma8 »

I'll send out a mass PM to everyone asking if they want PTs public or not - if they don't respond within 48 hours then I'll release them.

Mafia PT is here.

Dead PT is here.
"Playing with Nacho is like playing with a religious conservative." ~UncertainKitten

-- Fate, Vanilla Townie, was brutally stabbed by a throwing sword in endgame.
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Post Post #8222 (isolation #17) » Sat Nov 14, 2020 1:20 pm

Post by Nachomamma8 »

I'll send out a mass PM to everyone asking if they want PTs public or not - if they don't respond within 48 hours then I'll release them.

Mafia PT is here.

Dead PT is here.
"Playing with Nacho is like playing with a religious conservative." ~UncertainKitten

-- Fate, Vanilla Townie, was brutally stabbed by a throwing sword in endgame.
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Post Post #8223 (isolation #18) » Sat Nov 14, 2020 1:23 pm

Post by Nachomamma8 »

And then I will post Role PMs + add a bit of my commentary in tomorrow.
"Playing with Nacho is like playing with a religious conservative." ~UncertainKitten

-- Fate, Vanilla Townie, was brutally stabbed by a throwing sword in endgame.

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