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Post Post #25 (ISO) » Tue May 28, 2002 2:58 am

Post by Luna »

Luna, I only look at
what is statistically likely
. I consider myself to be a sexual deviant because I use a statstical definition of the word deviant, I'd say my behavior deviates from the mean...

And I disagree with your assumptions about what is statistically likely. I haven't done exhaustive research, so I could be wrong. We can agree to disagree, no?

This conversation arose from a comment about a brothel. Surely it's obvious that brothels exist FOR MEN. If women were inclined to this kind of behavior brothels for women would exist...

Uh, perhaps, but we were mostly talking about casual sex, not brothel sex. (the "I'm not that sort of girl" comment). You were saying that most men like the idea of sex with a stranger:

I'd be willing to wager a large enough random poll would reveal that greater than 50% of males in this country would describe sex with a stranger as positive rather than negative. Actually, they probably wouldn't, but then again I wouldn't agree that the girl they met at the bar that night ISN'T a stranger.

and most women don't. I disagreed, based on my own experiences. (Who are all these casual-sex men having sex with anyway? Each other? The same few deviant women?)

If you want to move the debate to sex-with-a-prostitute instead of sex-with-a-stranger... well, I'm STILL going to disagree, although for different reasons. I don't think
men particularly want to have sex with a prostitute. At least, I hope not. SOME men, sure. More men than women? Sure, that too. But not most men. So I don't really see the purpose of you pointing out that brothels exist for men...

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Post Post #26 (ISO) » Tue May 28, 2002 3:26 am

Post by Sketchwick »

We can agree to disagree, no?


Not because I love to discuss things like gender roles, and not because I like the idea of a dialogue with a Limey Goth Chick (are Goth Chicks found worldwide?) although those are secondary reasons, BUT because every time I feel all my damn mafia games move too damn slow I can look hereand hope you wrote some more.

Actually, you quoted more than I realized originally (when I thought you wrote a lot). but what the hey.

Ok, brothel sex vs casual sex. Let's argue about hookers first, then if I get my confidence up I may tackle the casual sex part.

Hookers exist for men. They don't exist for women. Yes, this is an exageration, sometimes men get paid for sex, but if I were a woman I'd retire in 3 years. You get the point. It doesn't much matter HOW MANY men would pay for a hooker, comparing that number to how many women would I think you'd have to agree it's A LOT MORE.

On to casual sex. I don't know what it's like anywhere else in the world, but n america I'm convinced that MOST women could walk into a bar and leave and go have sex any time tey wanted. I HAVE SEEN many men to try and do just this and fail, night after night...

I guess a lot of it is that women are so worried about looking like sluts that they actively try not to...sometimes to the point they don't have sex. Men never have that fear.

Ah, that's enough for now.

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Post Post #27 (ISO) » Tue May 28, 2002 4:11 am

Post by Luna »

Hookers exist for men. They don't exist for women. Yes, this is an exageration, sometimes men get paid for sex, but if I were a woman I'd retire in 3 years. You get the point. It doesn't much matter HOW MANY men would pay for a hooker, comparing that number to how many women would I think you'd have to agree it's A LOT MORE.

What does this have to do with anything? Why are we suddenly debating this? I never argued against the notion that men use brothels more than women. It's completely unrelated to my point, because prostitute sex != casual sex.

On to casual sex. I don't know what it's like anywhere else in the world, but n america I'm convinced that MOST women could walk into a bar and leave and go have sex any time tey wanted. I HAVE SEEN many men to try and do just this and fail, night after night...

If this is indeed true, it just proves that women are more picky, not that they like the idea of sex any less. :)

*~mith interrupts to comment that luna is hot~*

...Thankyou mith. No, really, I swear I didn't write that.

Anyway, I just feel compelled to interrupt when I hear people making assumptions about how women aren't interested in sex or whatever. It's a feminist thing. :) As I said, I don't really know much about American culture, but if what you say is true (about women being afraid to look like sluts) then it's pretty depressing. Go forth and be sluts! You have nothing to lose but your chains! (Uh, I mean, if you want to. It's not compulsory.)

Meh, anyway. mith got here this morning, so I'll probably be online a bit less. You might have to start debating with someone else. :)
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Post Post #28 (ISO) » Tue May 28, 2002 8:03 am

Post by Neo »

Meh, anyway. mith got here this morning

Does that mean we get another cute snogging picture? 8)
"Bah. I knew sleeping with DP would turn out to be a bad idea..." --quercitron, Old West Mafia.

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