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Post Post #2950 (ISO) » Thu Mar 21, 2013 12:48 pm

Post by Snakes »

In post 2924, Nicholas1024 wrote:
  • How would you rank the various jurors regarding both how well they played, and their chances in a jury vote?

  • My ranking for both of these categories is the same.
    1. Xofelf: I think xof played a great game. She was able to put herself at the top of both the cross-tribal alliance, the Angles, and Chaos. And even after the cross-tribal alliance didn't work and her ally was blindsided, she was able to recover and make it to the Final 3.
    2. Kdowns: Kdowns was pretty agressive, and was definitely a power player this game. He was in a good spot on the Newtrals, and he wasn't afraid to make a big move and blindside Ani. If things had worked out differently, I think he could have won.
    3. Klick: I was close to Klick before the swap, so I know that he played a good game. He was always thinking, and was playing to win. He was a great person to bounce ideas off of, and had a good strategic mind. Like Kdowns, he wasn't afraid of making a move in voting off Ani.
    4. Nicholas: We were never on the same tribe, so it's kind of hard to judge your game. That said, I do know that you were towards the top of the cross-tribal alliance, and you were able to be well protected in Newtrals despite losing half of the challenges. And you are fun to talk to and have a good social game. I do think that his play may have been hurt by not caring about the game. And he wasn't able to keep DV loyal to him, so that is why I rank him below the other three.
    5 Yellow: I think you played a pretty good game. You were great in challenges, and you really helped Chaos out and make the numbers even. And you did a great job in the Tetris challenge, showing me that it was possible to get over 100 lines, which I didn't know before :P . However, the reason I rank you here is because I'm not sure about your social game. There were a bunch of points where I wasn't sure what you were thinking, and I felt like I had to initiate conversation with you. I do not mean to be harsh with this, but instead to explain why I voted you off and why I put you here. If you had talked more with the person who you wanted in your Final 3, I may not have voted for you.
    6: D3f3nd3r: The reason I rank you this low is not because I don't think you played a good game, but because I don't really know your game. As I said in response to your jury question, I knew that we weren't close to each other. Therefore, I had no idea what your plans were. You could have been planning to take control of the game and had been a big threat, but since I never really knew your game, I just can't justify ranking you higher.
    7 TheBadOne: I wish I could rank you higher, but I think the other six may have had more respected games than you. You didn't seem to be good in challenges or care that much about the game (although I suppose that is excusable with the quality of the modding). I remember that you once forgot that there was a Tribal Council going on. Still, you made it to the Final 5 and got people to keep you over Ani, so I believe that you deserve your spot on the jury.
  • What was the single worst challenge from this game?

  • I'm tempted to just put all the trivia challenges here in a tie. But even though I hated those, at least they weren't broken. For the worst challenge of the game, I have to say the Grab Bag challenge. It was super broken, since once one tribe was even one coin above 20, they could just all hide and not go to Tribal Council. Plus, the challenge allowed one person to submit for their whole tribe, which meant that a tribe of one active and six inactives had an advantage over a tribe of seven inactives.

  • How many challenges did you consider as the answer for the above question?

  • Everything except the Grid Challenges and Xalxe's challenge.
  • What was the one TC that you wish you could have changed?

  • I'm actually pretty happy with how the game played out. I voted in the majority each time, so this is going to be a hard question for me to answer. I guess I would say Klick's elimination, but I'm pretty sure that won't count. So I'll go with the D3f3nd3r tribal council.
  • Who do you think was the least trustworthy this game?

  • Hmm, thats a tough question, as all the players were pretty much trustworthy. I guess I'd say Kdowns for stabbing Ani, and for making Pizza mad at him after he was eliminated. Also, I was told that Purity was voting for DV at the F7 Tribal Council when they weren't. Although, thinking back on it, it might have been Nich and not Kdowns who told me that. And the damn AIM window isn't opening for me to check.

    Although, I guess the answer to this question depends from who's point of view it is being asked from. If it is from Kdowns or Nich's POV, they would probably say DV. If it is from Yellow or even TBO's POV, they might say me.
  • What's the best argument as to why your opponent should win?

  • Same answer as I said to d3f. I hate this question because it goes against what FTC is supposed to be about, but if I have to choose, then DV should win because he improved and was an underdog.
  • What was your strategy for merge?

  • I wanted to continue to stay under the radar so I wouldn't be targeted, while keeping the players I was closest to safe. I was hoping to take out all the threats and players I wasn't close to in order to increase my hold on this game. And I think I succeeded.
  • Which players died early that you think would have made an impact?

  • Drench. He is a good player and if he survived and made it to the swap, he would have tried to shake up the game. I would also say Ani, but I don't think 12th place out of 24 is considered dying early.
  • Which juror's vote do you think you're least likely to get?

  • Yellow. I betrayed him, and even though I did have my reasons, I doubt that he gives me his vote.
  • What's one challenge you wish was included in this game?

  • Pretty much any nonlive or semilive challenge not involving trivia or luck would be amazing. I'm new to Survivor and haven't been a mod, so I don't know if I can really suggest anything new. Maybe a Mastermind challenge, or a challenge requiring us to remember past events in this game would be great (and also because I'm good at both :P ).
  • Who didn't deserve to make the jury?

  • I think that everyone deserved it. I could see an argument for including Ani on the jury over someone already there, but he wasn't able to stop his blindside. If I had to choose though, I guess I'll be consistent and say TBO for not really doing
    much to make it as far as he got, although as I said earlier, I believe he deserves his spot on the jury.
  • How did the initial "Talk with everyone" twist change your strategy?

  • Well, it meant that people would obviously try to set up a big alliance to take control of the game. I was able to get myself into that alliance which assured my safety for the pre-swap stage at the very least. After the tribes had been determined, I tried to have contacts on the other tribes in Klick, Xof and you. I knew that even though those three weren't on the same tribe as me initially, I would probably get to work with them sometime later in the game, and I wanted to get enough contacts to set myself up for a tribe swap. Finally, I think that this may have made me play more conservatively. I briefly considered trying to blindside Ani, but I knew that he had lots of friends on the other tribes, and that if I blindsided him, I would have a huge target on my back and everyone would want me gone.
  • Which of the previous questions do you think will be most important for my jury vote?

  • The Arkham Asylum question
    . Hmm, I would probably say the one where I have to rank the jurors and the one asking what my strategy for the merge was.
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    Post Post #2951 (ISO) » Thu Mar 21, 2013 1:00 pm

    Post by swyellowtail »

    To save time, I will not be responding to very many other statements until after the game is over.
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    Post Post #2952 (ISO) » Thu Mar 21, 2013 6:40 pm

    Post by DeasVail »

    Why didn't people tell me they were going to sheep my opinion before I decided to be honest about it? :P

    In post 2923, D3f3nd3r wrote:To DeasVail:
    1. Why did you bring Snakes into the finals, especially after him winning Middle Earth?
    2. The post-merge alliance including me would have let you in after merge, but I was told that you had denied us. Why?

    1. I think it would have been unfair for me to deny Snakes the chance of being in the finals just because of his previous win, and I strongly believed that Xofelf was a much greater jury threat, so to give myself the best chance of winning I chose Snakes.

    2. After Klick left, I needed to reevaluate my position in the game. I felt that after what happened with Ani, Xofelf was unlikely to completely trust me. If I could backstab Ani, what was stopping me from doing the same to her? Because of this, and the fact that it seemed like she was close to all of you on Chaos, I decided it would be better for me to vote Xofelf out and remove the biggest threat.

    In post 2923, D3f3nd3r wrote:To Both:
    1. Why do you deserve to win?
    2. Why would your opponent deserve to win?
    3. Someone, possibly Snakes, when talking to me in AIM soon before my elimination, predicted the F2 to be Kdowns and Nicholas1024. Thoughts?
    4. Probably a useless question, but if everything went your way, what would be your most ideal order of eliminations from F8 to F2?

    1. I think I played well enough early game. I was kept safe by being a part of the big alliance. When the opportunity came up to forge alliances that felt closer than my original ones, I took it. As far as I'm aware, I was never a significant target before merge, except for Nich wanting to eliminate me maybe (I heard this from someone else, so maybe it wasn't true, but I think it's pretty likely). I think that losing my closest ally suddenly put me in a difficult position and although I don't think I went about it in the best possible way, I think I did well to recover from it, and get people to trust me again. I also always played to win, and was the only one that actually initiated an attempt at and succeeded in getting Xofelf eliminated, which I'm pretty sure was necessary for any non-Xofelf player to do in order to win (In a Xofelf + Y F2, there was no way I was voting for Y). This is also why I wanted to work with Snakes, as from my point of view, his decision at F4/F3 would have been between picking me and hindering his chances of winning, and we were each other's greatest chance at having the biggest jury threat eliminated. I think there were times when I had key decisions to make (the F7 and F6 TCs) that influenced the outcome of the game and although I don't know what would have happened if I had made different ones, I'm here now, so they must have at least been alright. :)

    2. I think Snakes put himself into a very good position. He was close enough to Xofelf that he would be able to go far with her, which was good both because of her great play (which meant she was likely to stay around a while) and it meant he wouldn't end up as a compromise vote like D3f. He also never had the target on his back that she did and his opening statement indicates that this was intentional on his part. I also think he played well toward the end of the game in talking to other players (which is what I believe separates his play and fate from swyellow) and he was in a really secure position at F3. I'm sorry if I got anything wrong, and obviously I don't know everything about his play.

    3. I think that would have been pretty likely if Xofelf had been voted out at F7.

    4. Ooo, I need to think about this one.

    F8- Definitely Xofelf.

    F7- Probably Snakes. I don't think we would have worked together in this scenario.

    So, I really don't know what could have happened realistically in this situation, so I really don't know how likely any of these would have been.

    F6- Swyellowtail

    F5- Somehow convince D3f and TBO to vote off Nicholas1024?

    F4- Kdowns maybe?

    F3- TBO?

    Part 4 of ???? will come soon!
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    Post Post #2953 (ISO) » Thu Mar 21, 2013 8:04 pm

    Post by TheBadOne »

    I have no questions anymore, good luck both.
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    Post Post #2954 (ISO) » Thu Mar 21, 2013 10:42 pm

    Post by DeasVail »

    In post 2932, Klick wrote:1. I want you to describe your entire game from pre-tribal all the way to the Final Three. I want you to focus specifically on aspects of:

    - your play within your tribes
    - your greatest allies in each stage
    - threats to your success in each stage
    - your thoughts going into the Merge
    - specifically how my departure affected your play

    as well as anything else you think I need to know. It can be as detailed or as concise as you'd like, but remember; walls make you look good.

    2. I want you to attempt to describe your opponent's play in the same light.

    3. I want you to discuss xofelf's involvement in your gameplay and say why she totally deserved to win. I know she was heavily involved in both of your games. Compare your play with her to your play with me. Again, as concise or detailed as necessary to answer.

    4. If you were the one who was voted out in the last Tribal Council, who would you vote for as of now, and vice versa.

    5. Not a very important question in terms of decision-making, but describe your relations with swyellowtail. He was a complete enigma to me. Also, Snakes, tell me who voted for who in the tribal council in which he was voted out, as I'm curious about that.

    6. In what ways did you play better than your competitor?

    1. I don't know if I'll remember everything exactly, but I'll try.

    Before tribes: I had agreed to work with Ani, Xofelf, you, ProsecutorGodot, Kdowns, maybe also TBO (or it might have been a bit later). I also remember talking a fair bit with Mist and working with her in the first challenge, but I don't know if we had any concrete agreements.

    The Angles: I didn't think I'd make a great actual leader, so although I was happy to make a QT and help with challenge organisation, I didn't mind at all when others attempted to take on a leading role. I talked at least a little to everyone in the tribe and my major allies there were still Xofelf, you and PG (but I didn't really talk to PG much after tribes were formed). There were no real threats to my success at this stage and I felt pretty safe.

    Purity: Early on, you and I got closer and agreed to eventually eliminate Ani. You became my closest ally during this time, with kdowns becoming sort of close too after we agreed to work with him. I felt that I wouldn't be able to work with TS or Nich very well in the game, so I guess they could have been considered threats at this stage. I pretty much just followed Ani's lead until we voted him out.

    Merge: I didn't have any specific plans (apart from liking your idea of an alliance with Xofelf, Snakes and someone else) and was mostly wanting to see what happened and determine from my conversations who I'd most be able to work with. When I asked Xofelf about your proposal for the alliance of 5, Xofelf said that allying with her meant allying with all of Chaos. I didn't like the sound of that very much, but I said yes to that to avoid causing any rifts, and to not hinder my chance of allying with them if you wanted to.

    Before I could discuss this with you, you had to go, leaving kdowns obviously expecting me to vote with him, and now all of Chaos expecting me to vote with them, and there was no one who I had a solid alliance with. With you gone I felt a lot less safe and with Xofelf obviously being close to the other Chaos members, I decided I would be better off with kdowns & co., so that was the decision I made. This didn't work out as I had hoped, and with Xofelf putting me in a position where I had to say I was voting for kdowns, I figured that while there may not have been much difference either way, siding with Kdowns would have meant a complete loss of trust from anyone on Chaos, which I think would have greatly hindered my chances of winning, because I don't think I would have been able to outlast Kdowns without the help of Chaos.

    It was around this time (or maybe a little before) that I got close to TBO and he became my closest ally. Oh and since you left, I'd always considered Xofelf a huge threat to my chances of winning the game. At the F6 TC, I at least felt as if TBO and I had a choice between voting out Nich and having things depend upon a challenge. I didn't like the idea of that though, and I thought that I would be useful for Snakes to keep around, so I decided to vote for Nich and work with Snakes from there on.

    I tried to talk to swyellowtail, but he never responded :( (and this can be an answer to your later question).

    2. What I know is that Snakes was part of one of Ani's alliances on the Dveils, and had agreed to work with Klick as well. He probably was working with Xofelf at this stage as well? On Chaos, I think he got closer to Xofelf and was part of a pretty strong alliance. From there, I think he continued to be allied with Xof and I guess the rest of Chaos, but not as close. Kdowns was probably one of the bigger threats to him after merge, and later on I suppose Xofelf was a threat to him winning? At least from my PoV anyway. I don't really know the details.

    3. Xofelf at first was one of my closer allies, but again, I felt like she never considered me all that close and was in a really powerful position in the game. I just did whatever she wanted in the Angles. After merge I really wanted her eliminated, but I felt she played really well to prevent that (as I will say in my answer to one of Nich's questions). I felt much better about my alliance with you and was much more comfortable sharing my thoughts. So yeah, from the middle of the game I considered her a threat that I would like to eliminate, whereas you were a really great ally for me.

    4. I am assuming you mean between Xofelf and Snakes? If so, Xofelf.

    5. He sent me one PM at F7 I think, saying that he wouldn't vote for me if I agreed to vote for kdowns. He never responded to any of my later PMs and so was someone that I just couldn't work with.

    6. I'm not sure if it's me playing better necessarily, but one difference I can state is that I think I was more flexible early after merge. I think I could have made quite it far whether the game swung in kdowns' favour or in Xofelf's. If I had chosen to side with kdowns or Xofelf hadn't played so well to prevent her elimination, I think things would have been harder for Snakes, as kdowns did mention him as a jury threat and as far as I know, they didn't have much of a relationship (I could easily be wrong about this though). I think normally the main problem with my position then is that I wouldn't be able to make it to the very end with either side, but obviously I managed to, probably contrary to most people's expectations. So, I think I showed that I could make the most of a bad situation and get myself out of it, whereas I don't know what would have happened to Snakes if Xofelf hadn't successfully manipulated kdowns and myself.

    In post 2932, Klick wrote:DeasVail

    I feel like I was most tightly aligned with you, and vice-versa, at the time of my departure. We had plenty of time to get closer and strategize during the time after the tribe swap. You should know that, when I gave my input regarding how the tribes should be swapped, I worked primarily to get on the same tribe as you so we could get closer. TML and I were going to be on the other tribe in place of D3f and someone else (Snakes?) without that. We were partners, and I likely would have proposed to go to the Final Two with you if I wasn't involved in a previous engagement with your opponent.

    Provide necessary commentary on the above paragraph.

    Yes, I really enjoyed being allied to you, and I don't mind if you were more close with Snakes. I don't think I expected to be your absolute closest ally, but I did think we were very close, and I'm glad that I wasn't completely mistaken. :) I don't really know what else to say, except that I was completely committed to our alliance (at least at the time that you left) and am glad I could work with you this game.

    In post 2942, Snakes wrote:
    In post 2941, DeasVail wrote:
    4. DeasVail
    3. Snakes

    Wait, did you just admit that I deserve the win more than you?

    You already knew I thought you played better. :P

    I do know that I probably wasn't supposed to say something like that, but that would have involved me either ignoring the question or lying. Obviously I want to win though, and hope that people disagree with me. :)

    In post 2945, swyellowtail wrote:So, from what I'm getting is, you would rather have people that did less work than me take the win?

    I'm not really aware of the work that you did. All I can say is that I don't think you played in a way that gave you a chance of winning toward the end of the game.

    In post 2945, swyellowtail wrote:Why should we vote for you?

    I'm pretty new to the whole survivor thing, so I don't know what's 'supposed' to the basis behind a vote. I know that I would probably vote for whoever I thought played better and wouldn't feel great about winning if it was because I was an underdog, or because I'd improved a lot. So, I'd suggest voting for me if you think I played better, and voting for Snakes if you think he did.

    @Kdowns, the main reason I put Snakes above me is because of him being in a more secure position than me after merge, and I also think that my play right after Klick left was quite messy.

    Maybe I'm wrong and I actually did play just as well or better, I don't know, but the plan is to say my thoughts on my play and leave you guys to make the decision.

    Everything else will be answered once I get back to Nich's questions.
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    Post Post #2955 (ISO) » Thu Mar 21, 2013 11:27 pm

    Post by D3f3nd3r »

    So, DV, you're saying that ideally, you'd like to face me in the Finale.
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    Post Post #2956 (ISO) » Thu Mar 21, 2013 11:30 pm

    Post by DeasVail »

    Oh, so I think I forgot to put at the beginning of that post:

    Sorry about taking so long. I answered Nich's questions and then was really stupid and lost what I typed up. :( I don't feel like doing them again right now, so I'll move on and get back to them later.

    Time to get some music playing and get back to them!

    How would you rank the various jurors regarding both how well they played, and their chances in a jury vote?

    1. Xofelf- First, she basically controlled the game. While I would have expected this to get her eliminated earlier on, she played so well to prevent it from happening and I found this really impressive.

    2. Klick- I felt that he was a very strong competitor as well. He put himself into a strong position going into the merge and I think he would have done pretty well if he had stayed in.

    3. Kdowns- I felt that he played fairly well. He was in a powerful position following Ani's elimination and I think the main reason he didn't get further than he did was that Xofelf outplayed him. (I'm mainly talking about her actions at the F8 and F7 TCs)

    4. TBO: Unlike everyone else, I thought TBO played pretty well too. Although he was kind of saved by our plans to vote Ani out, after merge it seemed he was a lot more active in forming connections than the jurors I've ranked below him.

    5. Nicholas1024: I feel I don't know enough about your play to make a fair judgement, but as far as I know you didn't really get close to anyone after kdowns was voted out and I felt it easier to vote you out because of our lack of connection (unlike with TBO).

    6. Swyellowtail: Again, I don't know how much I'm missing, but I felt that without talking to me, the way you were going left little opportunity for you to win, and you seemed content with that.

    7. D3f3nd3r: I think his elimination demonstrated that he just didn't form strong enough alliances.

    Now, chances of a jury vote:

    1. Xofelf
    2. Klick? (I thought I'd be ranking him lower, but I can't think of anyone else to put here.
    3/4. Nich/Sw Not sure which should be higher. Both of them I didn't see much good play from, but it seems others did.
    5. Kdowns
    6. TBO
    7. D3f

    Is the statement "This statement is false" true or false?
    What was the single worst challenge from this game?
    Grab bag. (or whatever it was called)
    How many challenges did you consider as the answer for the above question?
    On a scale from 1-10, how badly will this list of questions annoy Xalxe?
    What was the one TC that you wish you could have changed?
    The one where Ani was voted out.
    How many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie roll center of a Tootsie roll pop?
    How many times can you integrate a C2 function?
    I forget maths. Sorry :(
    Estimate the number of players that actually tried to win this game.
    Your previous estimate is too high, please fix it.
    Only me?
    Who do you think was the least trustworthy this game?
    Well apart from Sora, maybe kdowns?
    To be, or not to be?
    Not to be.
    Are you planning on joining Arkham Asylum when it eventually runs?
    That depends on who you're voting for. ;)
    What's the best argument as to why your opponent should win?
    I think he played really well. I think this was covered in D3f's question.
    What was your strategy for merge?
    To continue working with Klick and apart from that, talk to people and from there see who I could work with. After Klick left, I aimed to make the best decision for me whenever I picked a side, try to get people to trust me again, and hopefully form connections that I could use to get myself further in the game.
    Do you realize that Chuck Norris has already won?
    Well I do now.
    Which players died early that you think would have made an impact?
    T-Bone and Drench
    What's the scouter say about the seriousness level?
    I don't understand. Sorry again. :(
    If a tree falls in the forest, and there's nobody there to hear it, does it make a sound?
    Which juror's vote do you think you're least likely to get?
    Dragonite vs Gothmog FTC, who wins?
    Dragonite, but I haven't read S:SI properly.

    What's one challenge you wish was included in this game?
    That endurance challenge thingy. I can actually do those! (sometimes)
    Who didn't deserve to make the jury?
    No one. (except Xof deserved to win)
    How did the initial "Talk with everyone" twist change your strategy?
    It meant that I was part of a really large alliance, but mostly it made me scared that I wasn't making the most of it.
    Will Ani ever not get backstabbed by kdowns?
    Can you summarize this game in 6 words or less?
    I don't like this question!
    Did anyone ever figure out who Larvitar was?
    How amusing has this list been?
    Much less so having to answer it a second time.
    Did you click this link?
    Of course.
    Which of the previous questions do you think will be most important for my jury vote?
    The one about the Tootsie roll pop. The others seemed kind of irrelevant.
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    Post Post #2957 (ISO) » Thu Mar 21, 2013 11:31 pm

    Post by DeasVail »

    In post 2955, D3f3nd3r wrote:So, DV, you're saying that ideally, you'd like to face me in the Finale.

    Yeah, I guess. My latest post probably explains it.
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    Post Post #2958 (ISO) » Thu Mar 21, 2013 11:35 pm

    Post by DeasVail »

    And with that I think I've answered all the questions so far. If I've missed something, or you'd like something clarified, please do ask!
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    Post Post #2959 (ISO) » Fri Mar 22, 2013 2:02 am

    Post by Xalxe »

    In post 2958, DeasVail wrote:And with that I think I've answered all the questions so far. If I've missed something, or you'd like something clarified, please do ask!

    I have a question: were you Larvitar?
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    Post Post #2960 (ISO) » Fri Mar 22, 2013 3:31 am

    Post by animorpherv1 »

    In post 2959, Xalxe wrote:
    In post 2958, DeasVail wrote:And with that I think I've answered all the questions so far. If I've missed something, or you'd like something clarified, please do ask!

    I have a question: were you Larvitar?

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    Post Post #2961 (ISO) » Fri Mar 22, 2013 9:24 am

    Post by Klick »

    I knew I was forgetting a question. To both: What was your biggest mistake in this game?
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    Post Post #2962 (ISO) » Fri Mar 22, 2013 9:27 am

    Post by DeasVail »

    In post 2959, Xalxe wrote:I have a question: were you Larvitar?

    No, all I know about it is that his identity wasn't revealed in the cast reveal.

    PEdit: I think it was my play after you left. I feel as if I could have played in a way that made kdowns etc. more trusting of me, and lessened the degree of mistrust from the Chaos members.
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    Post Post #2963 (ISO) » Fri Mar 22, 2013 10:18 am

    Post by Snakes »

    In post 2932, Klick wrote:
    1. I want you to describe your entire game from pre-tribal all the way to the Final Three. I want you to focus specifically on aspects of:

    - your play within your tribes
    - your greatest allies in each stage
    - threats to your success in each stage
    - your thoughts going into the Merge
    - specifically how my departure affected your play

    as well as anything else you think I need to know. It can be as detailed or as concise as you'd like, but remember; walls make you look good.

    Pre-tribe formation
    : In this game, Mehdi allowed for cross-tribal communication. I realized that inevitably someone would try to form a cross-tribal alliance and to attempt to control the game that way. My goal was to form connections in this phase so that if such an alliance popped up, I would be part of it. I had talked a lot with Nich during Middle Earth, so he was the first one I went to, and he confirmed the existence of an alliance. Later, Ani asked me to join and I said yes. I think that I also requested for TBO to join, because me and him were pretty close in Middle Earth, and I knew him to be loyal. I felt like a mistake I made in Middle Earth was not letting Boromir know how close I felt to him until after a couple of challenges (and by then, he already had a new #1). My goal was to avoid that and be close with him from the start. Additionally to those three, I also formed bonds with TwistedSpoon, Xofelf and you (Klick).

    I think that a threat to my success in this stage may not have been any specific person, but the fear of ending up on the outs. I was able to avoid this, both by getting into a big alliance, and by forming a network of bonds that went deeper than just working together because we happened to be in the same day one alliance. The breakdown of 24 players into tribes would be unpredictable, but I was confident that I would end up with a bunch of allies who would be loyal to me in my tribe, as well as contacts for a tribe swap.

    : I felt pretty happy with my tribe. We looked pretty strong. Ani, TS and TBO were allies of mine before the tribes were even formed, and all three ended up on the Dveils. We were rounded out by Drench, Feirei, TML and Chesskid. We had an obvious boot in Chesskid, and another in Drench, who was too big of a threat to keep around. TML and Feirei were pretty quiet and didn't really talk. Neither did Chesskid. I started talking to Drench, but when he asked me for an alliance, I realized that I couldn't keep it, and I wanted to avoid promising him something only to break it within two Tribal Councils.

    The Dveils went pretty well. We booted Chesskid and Drench unanimously. I was active for the challenges, which was better than half of the tribe, so I made myself valuable to make sure that I would make it to the swap. But I didn't just rely on winning or challenge strength. I also had a great social game. My connection to TBO was paying off, and we became really close in this stage, and I believe that I was his #1. Me and TS also developed a bond, and while it was made difficult because we were never online at the same time, we trusted each other and talked game. Finally, although I wasn't sure how much I trusted Ani, I learned later that he trusted me and I was the Dveil he planned to take the furthest. I was able to have three people all consider me among their closest allies on this tribe. My plan for if we kept losing was to go along with the plan to vote off TML. After that, I knew that Ani would want to vote off TBO, but I wanted to vote off Feirei to save TBO and to weaken Ani. In conclusion, I think that many people believed that Ani was calling the shots here. However, I believe that I
    had at least as much power as him on the Dveils
    . The fact that I was able to keep this hidden is a testament to my under the radar game.

    Additionally, this stage allowed everyone to message anyone on the other tribes. I didn't want to talk to everyone and have people think I was untrustworthy or a threat, so I instead chose to strengthen the bonds with my previous allies. Me and Nich kept each other informed on what was happening on each other's tribe. Xofelf and I started talking a real lot, both about the game and about stuff outside of the game. I figured out pretty early on that she held power, so I knew that I would have someone to watch my back in a swap (plus I just liked talking to her :P ). Finally, I also talked a lot with you. You were one of my closest allies. We were able to bounce ideas off of each other and talk game, and I was confident that if we were swapped together, I could trust you completely.

    : This wasn't as good for me. All of my allies previously (Ani, Klick, Nich, TBO, TS) were on the other tribe, and only xofelf was on Chaos. I would have to make new connections. However, I became really close with xofelf here (which I will get to in her question), and I was active and showed up for challenges, which was better than a lot of people. I think that even though this was a difficult time for me, I was able to adapt and talk to people, such as xof, yellow, d3f and ult. I tried to talk to Feirei and PEG, but they didn't reply back. However, I knew that they weren't too active, so it wouldn't be that hard to get them out.

    I think that a threat to my play here was the obstacle of not knowing barely anyone, but I was able to work around that. Additionally, I faced the threat of 4 Angles, which I was worried about forming a voting block. However, Cheery Dog messed up the first challenge so I was able to vote him off. After that, the Angles banding together weren't really a threat because I think this tribe was focused on picking off the people who weren't contributing, so the old tribal lines didn't really matter.

    : Going into the merge, I was sort of unsure about where I wanted to go. I wanted to keep the Chaos people safe, while also working with my allies from the pre-swap phase in Klick and TBO. There was a cross-tribal alliance suggested of me, xof, you, TBO and DV I think, which I was happy with, as it included the people I felt the closest with. Unfortunately, you had to quit. I was sad about this and wished you the best. But anyway, this evened the numbers between the Chaos and the Purity. Kdowns still had his items, so he was able to control the vote. I know that both my name and xof's name came up, but luckily, we were able to compromise on d3f and keep both me and her safe.

    After that, I knew that the Chaos was in the minority and were in danger. I will admit that my game was helped by DV siding with us. I'll adress this in detail when I answer Question 6 however. At this point, I did have some misgivings about voting off kdowns after he had helped us out just last round, but I eventually realized that it was the right move and voted for him and took out a threat.

    At that point, I know that DV wanted to flip back to work with the Purity and go to tiebreakers. I contacted him on AIM and managed to convince him to side with us. I did rely on his help here (although the final vote was 5-1 so I don't think it really was needed). However, both xof and yellow were considering targeting DV here and eliminating him 3-2-1. I had to work to make sure that DV wasn't voted for and the votes were cast against Nich instead. I did this because 1) it is kind of dickish to vote off someone who wants to help us, and 2) because Nich going left me in a great spot. Everyone left was a good ally of mine, and I think pretty much everyone except wanted me in their Final 2 except for Yellow, and he wanted me in their Final 3. After Nich left, I think that I was in control of the game. I don't want to sound cocky, but if you had told me that I would be sitting in the Final 2 after the F6 vote, I would not be surprised.

    I think that the biggest threat to my gameplay in this stage was the threat of Kdowns and Nich controlling the game. Luckily, the Chaos were able to split up the Purity and take control of the game. Another threat was Yellow not trusting me and not taking me to the Final 2. I wanted to sit in a F3 where I was going to the F2 no matter what. By voting out Yellow, I was able to accomplish this.

    So yeah, this was my gameplay in each stage. I believe that this shows how impressive my game was and that I deserve the victory. I'm not sure if everyone will read this, but I wanted to be as detailed as possible to show the Jury why I deserve the win.

    2. I want you to attempt to describe your opponent's play in the same light.

    : From what I remember, I don't think that DV was in the original cross-tribal alliance. He was someone on the outside, but one that they wouldn't have minded being allied with. Obviously, being a team captain helped move this process along. However, I think that DV didn't
    take advantage of the opportunity to pick tribes, and instead let himself be influenced by people like Ani.

    : To DV's credit, he was in a pretty good position. He wasn't at the top of the Angles or controlling the tribe, but he was in a good spot and wasn't a target. He was allied with Xof, you and apparently ProsecutorGodot (although he wasn't able to prevent his elimination).

    : I don't know a ton about DV's post-swap game, but he became very close with you and I think TBO as well. Additionally, he also went along with the plan to vote off Ani, which was a very big blindside.

    : DV became more aggressive during this time period. He flipped between Purity and Chaos. As I said above, I have to admit that he helped my game when he sided with me during the F7 and F6. His biggest allies here were you, then TBO, and then me. However, I think that the biggest threat to his gameplay was being on the bottom of each alliance he joined, and this was something that hurt his chances at making it to the Final 2.

    3. I want you to discuss xofelf's involvement in your gameplay
    and say why she totally deserved to win
    . I know she was heavily involved in both of your games. Compare your play with her to your play with me. Again, as concise or detailed as necessary to answer.

    Well she was someone who I liked talking to at first during the pre-swap stage. I guess I was a little wary of her because I knew she had power and was very close with Ani. But I enjoyed talking to her, even if we weren't on the same tribe. After the swap, we became much more close and looked out for each other. She became my closest ally by far on Chaos. After the merge, we still worked together and were a great pair, bouncing ideas off of each other and plotting. I think that we had pretty much the same relationship as I did with her, as we plotted together and bounced ideas off of each other to figure out what we should do strategically. After you left, I think she became my favorite "plot-buddy".

    4. If you were the one who was voted out in the last Tribal Council, who would you vote for as of now, and vice versa.

    I would vote for xofelf. I think that she played a better game than DV and would deserve the win.

    5. Not a very important question in terms of decision-making, but describe your relations with swyellowtail. He was a complete enigma to me.

    Well, I wanted to talk to yellow. I thought we would have an easy connection, being the only two active non-Angles on Chaos. And we did connect and talk game and discuss who to vote out. He was probably the person who I was second closest to on Chaos. I think I've said this before, but after the merge I guess I stopped trusting him as much. He got angry at me over the Final 7 vote and thought I had told kdowns we were voting for him (which wasn't true). I would have preferred for us to talk about it, but he never brought it up with me. And I'm not sure if he was lying or just simply changed his mind, but in the Bidding Challenge, he said he would submit a certain amount of stars and instead submitted a different another. He may have changed his mind, but I felt funny about it.

    I don't think that we were close or trusted each other, but I did view him as an ally.
    Also, Snakes, tell me who voted for who in the tribal council in which he was voted out, as I'm curious about that.

    I'm pretty sure this was answered by my torchwalk, but me and DV voted for him and xof and him voted for DV.

    6. In what ways did you play better than your competitor?

    I believe that my play in the pre-swapped tribes was much better than DV's. DV was safe in the Angles, but I think I went above just insuring my safety and instead tried to make sure that I had control and influence. I think that if you compare our answers to the Pre-swapped portion of #1, you will see that I played a better game within this stage.

    After merge, I think that I was able to take control of the game. It is true that it would have been more difficult to get to the Final 2 without DV's help. However, it would not be impossible. I was very close with TBO, and Nich didn't want to vote for me. If xof had been voted off, things would have been hard, but I believe that I would have had a chance at making it to the end. However, there is no question in my mind that DV would not have made it to the Final 2 if not for me. Obviously, I saved him at the Final 4 by forcing a tie. If I had voted for him, he would have left. Additionally, he was also in a lot of danger at the Final 6 vote. Xof and Yellow wanted to have us vote for him, have him vote for Nich, and have Nich and TBO vote for whoever. This would take DV out in a 3-2-1 vote and give us control of the game. However, I had to convince both of them to not vote for DV but to instead vote for Nich. If I had not done this, DV would have left. While I didn't need DV, DV definitely needed me.

    Finally, I think the most important reason for why I played a better game than DV is because I was in control. To prove my point, I will give two quotes from DV.
    Spoiler: Torchwalk

    I heard a lot more about you from other people than I did from you yourself and it seemed most from your tribe were upset with bad organisation. I don't know if your problem was like mine except with people actually expecting you to lead, or whether there was a bigger problem. It was nice winning the first challenge together though.
    I feel bad about taking so many people that you wanted, but just so you know, it was all Ani's fault! He was the one telling me what to do! :P
    Working together to knock off Ani in that challenge was fun too! I did have a bit of explaining to do afterwards, how ever. :)

    Spoiler: Xofelf
    Xofelf at first was one of my closer allies, but again, I felt like she never considered me all that close and was in a really powerful position in the game.
    I just did whatever she wanted in the Angles.

    I feel like these quotes sum up DV's game. He was in a powerful position in being able to pick the tribes. He could go ahead and get allies who would be loyal to him, and threats who he wanted gone. But instead, he just let Ani tell him what to do. Once in the tribes, although he was technically the leader, he just did what xof wanted. At the merge, he was in a powerful position as the swing vote, but just went from the bottom of one tribe to the bottom of another, and ended up relying on me. To DV's credit, he was able to get himself into a position of power several times. But I feel like each time, he was uncomfortable having so much power and tried to give it to somebody else.

    DV, I'm sorry if this comes off as harsh. I don't think you played a terrible game, just not a great one. But the question asks for me to say why I played better than you, and this is what I'm doing.

    Now, I'm going to start a "conversation" with both of you. It will reveal my point of view of what I've been through with both of you, and I want you to respond in a normal fashion. It will require you both to be honest about what's happened here. Don't worry about appealing to me - remember, my vote is going to who I think had the best control over their success in the game.


    Ah, this will be fun. I think we worked great with each other at the beginning, throwing strategies at each other. Our plan to vote ani out and break the game into new alliances met great success (with half of the credit going to kdowns for that vote), but I made a fatal flaw in telling kdowns too much. I have a question: How far were you planning to go on our Final Two alliance, in all honesty?

    Hmm. I agree with what you said. I really enjoyed talking with you, and you were a great person to bounce ideas off of and come up with strategies together. I would say that you were my closest ally. As for your question, I'm not sure. I had already made a Final 2 alliance with TBO. I said yes to your Final 2 deal because I felt that it would have been a bad idea to say, "No sorry, I don't want to go to the Final 2 with you. I already have another deal." I guess that in a perfect world, my ideal Final 3 would be you and TBO, and I would take TBO because I felt that I would have a better chance against him (no offense meant to either of you).

    However, you asked me this before a swap, and I knew that Ani wanted TBO gone soon, so I knew there was a chance he would be voted out. I felt that you were my closest ally, because I value someone who is loyal to me and is also great strategically. I knew that I could trust you with my thoughts and throw strategies at each other, and TBO and I never really talked about long-term plans. If anything had happened to TBO, then I would have been more than happy to go all the way to the Final 2 with you.

    Also, I'm interested in hearing your story about what happened past our split, in particular.

    Do you mean what happened once we were split into Purity and Chaos and were away from each other? I think I covered this earlier, but I was honest with what I told you after we met up. The Chaos tribe had a lot of inactives who were easy boots, so it wasn't too stressful. I started talking to yellow, ult and d3f and talked a lot with xofelf. The only active player we booted who didn't ask to be voted off was Cheery Dog, and he messed up the challenge and people didn't like him all that much, so he was pretty easy to get rid of.

    So yeah. Basically, I'm going to read your stories and decide on my own what sounds like a better game. You guys are both awesome, and best of luck.

    PEdit: This was all made before seeing that Torchwalk.

    Thank you.
    In post 2961, Klick wrote:I knew I was forgetting a question. To both: What was your biggest mistake in this game?

    Hmm, thats a tough question. I think I played a very good game. I guess that one thing I think I should have changed may have been my play on Chaos. I talked to people like yellow, d3f and ult, but I don't feel like I was super close with any of them. I think that maybe I should have tried to form closer bonds with them to help me out long-term, but the Chaos tribe wasn't very chatty, so I don't think that this hurt me from making the merge.
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    Post Post #2964 (ISO) » Fri Mar 22, 2013 11:31 am

    Post by Snakes »

    In post 2945, swyellowtail wrote:So, from what I'm getting is, you would rather have people that did less work than me take the win? (Excluding xof, who I know did quite a bit of work) This question is directed to the both of you, by the way.

    I'm not sure what you mean. Can you clarify this? What my goal was was for myself to win. You were great in challenges, but I'm playing for myself :D .
    Also, I just realized, you both have the same top 3. Personally, I don't think one of them should be there, considering how he tends to do rather... odd stuff, but still, this is quite interesting.

    I assume you're talking about Kdowns? I think I went into it, but the reason I put him there was because he was a big threat in this game, blindsiding Ani and being the leader of Purity after Klick's departure.

    To Snakes: I noticed that your elimination order and most deserved order is a bit mismatched, excluding yourself, of course. Any reason for that?

    Hmm, I wasn't trying for that. I put TBO at the bottom on my elimination order both for being a close ally of mine and because I think I would win in that Final 2.

    Kdowns and Nich are people who I put high on my Deserving List, but at the top of my Elimination Order. I did this because we ended up on opposite sides of the game after the merge, so I wanted them out. Additionally, I saw them as big threats, so I ideally wanted them gone as soon as possible.

    So to answer your question, I'd say that the difference in the lists is half by design and half trying to get my allies as far as possible. However, there are some people who rank high on both lists, such as xof and myself.

    Anyway, a non-response-to-your-responses question to the both of you, seeing how no one asked this, even:
    Why should we vote for you?

    I believe that I played a better game than DV because I was more in control. As I said in Klick's question, I held a lot of power in the Dveils and in the second half of the merge. Even in Chaos, I was able to adapt and survive there. While DV did have power, I don't think he did as much with it, and was comfortable relying on his allies.

    DV relied on me, both to save me during the round you went, and the round where Nich went. DV did help me out, but I would have had a chance without him. Additionally, he said that he was close with TBO, and I voted out TBO because I wanted DV to rely on me and me alone.

    I am hoping that you will look past our differences and vote for who you played a better game. If you believe that DV played a better game than me, then vote for him. I believe that I played the better game, and if you do too, then you should vote for me.
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    Post Post #2965 (ISO) » Fri Mar 22, 2013 11:50 am

    Post by Snakes »

    I think that I've answered all the questions. If I skipped something, let me know. Otherwise, I think its time for closing statements.
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    Post Post #2966 (ISO) » Fri Mar 22, 2013 3:00 pm

    Post by Mehdi2277 »

    And that's correct. Questioning period is over and closing statements have to be done by tomorrow 5:30 PM CST (yes 5 not 4 I got mixed up by time zones when someone pmed me on it).
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    Post Post #2967 (ISO) » Fri Mar 22, 2013 7:57 pm

    Post by DeasVail »

    Closing Statement

    Firstly, although I do think that Snakes played better than I did, I feel that his depiction of some aspects of my play has been slightly unfair. At the F6 vote in particular, if the plan to eliminate me was as he said it was, it could easily have been made more difficult by forcing a tie, which is an option I was considering pushing for (I talked to TBO a lot about this vote but he never really suggested anything either way once we found out that past votes didn't count and then I said I was voting for Nich, if I'm remembering correctly) and is what I think I would have done if I hadn't decided that I would be useful enough to Snakes in the long-run for him to keep me around, and it seems I was correct in this case.

    The other main thing is that I agree I was relying on him wanting me in after the F6 TC (his more secure position at endgame is indeed part of the reason why I think he played better) but before that, even if I had been on the bottom of the other alliance, I don't think that my chances of getting to the end without him were that slim, considering I proved here that I could get from that kind of position to the F2.

    And I suppose this is where what I'm going to say comes in. I've shown that I can adapt to new alliances and situations (such as being on the bottom of an alliance) and get to the end. I wasn't any more connected at ~F7/F8 to Chaos than I was to Purity, so even if the Chaos alliance hadn't succeeded (which was largely Xofelf's doing), I think I have shown that I had the adaptability necessary to have a good chance at getting to the end in that scenario as well.

    I've said all that I can think of to say, so I want to wish Snakes luck and once again thank the players and mods of the game, because despite some flaws I really enjoyed it. :)
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    Post Post #2968 (ISO) » Sat Mar 23, 2013 4:53 am

    Post by Snakes »

    I believe that in this game, I was in more power than DV. Sure, he may have been able to pick his tribe and be the tribe "leader", but both times he let people like ani or xof tell him what to do. He is right in that no one was forcing him to side with Chaos; he could have easily sided with Purity. But the question is: why did he side with us? If he was in a good spot on Purity, then why does it make sense to flip from a good position to a place where he was definitely on the bottom? DV, you can’t have it both ways. Either you were on the bottom of every post-merge alliance you joined or you made a bad move. But even if DV was considering siding with Purity, the point is that he
    , and instead voted for Nich. In doing so he opened up a door for himself to be voted out. At both the Final 6 and Final 4, DV would have been gone if I had not saved him. If DV had not won the tiebreaker challenge, he would have been gone. Meanwhile, although DV did help me out, I never relied on his vote to save me (except for maybe the Final 3, and that was an obvious choice).

    However, I want to do more in my closing statement than just tell you why DV does not deserve to win. I want to show you why
    deserve this victory. My journey to the Final 2 has been smooth and safe. Because I was never immune, I was always eligible to be voted, but that never happened. I am the only player in this game to have never received a single vote, and I voted in the majority for every single Tribal Council that I attended. But I believe that my game goes beyond just those statistics. I succeeded in positioning myself so that I did not look like a threat, while still being in control. I had a top-notch social game to not only protect myself against the threat of elimination, but to also have influence in who was voted off. Due to my connections with Ani, TS and TBO, I held a lot of power on the Dveils, and would have controlled the tribe if we kept losing. On Chaos, I was in a tough spot, but I perservered and made connections, even with players who I had not spoken to before. I was able to adapt to a bad situation and make my way to the merge. Finally, in the merged tribe, I was able to have control over my own fate. Sure, I would be in a rough spot if DV didn’t side with us, but I would have found a way to get to the end regardless. Nich, and in particular TBO would have not wanted to vote me out, and I would have used this to get to the end even if DV sided with Purity. Once DV did side with us, I was able to go ahead and eliminate the people I wanted to get rid of, even if it was against DV’s wishes. I knew that if I kept TBO, TBO would be DV’s closest ally instead of me, and my position wouldn't be so secure. Therefore, I voted out TBO to make sure that DV had no choice but to depend on me. I was able to craft a Final 5 that made sure that I would have power, and could decide who went. I was sure that no matter what, I would be able to at the very least make the Final 3 with a great chance to win.

    In my eyes, your choice is clear cut. I took steps to control my own fate and hold power in this game. On the other hand, DV’s gameplan was based on making himself a useful vote, and he even admitted that I played a better game. I don’t think that there is any question who should win. I was able to make sure this game went according to my plan, and although there may have been setbacks along the way, I was ultimately able to take control and go to a Final 5 where nobody wanted to vote me out. I know that the downside to this is that I may have voted some of you guys out earlier than you may have liked, and I apologize if I may have hurt any of you. That was definitely not my intention. However, I was playing this game to win, and that meant making many tough decisions. Ultimately, I had to make moves that were the best for
    , and I hope that everyone can look past the fact that I may have voted you off, and instead vote for the person who played the best game.

    I would like to thank everyone for the experience. Without the 22 of you, this game would not have happened. Also, I would like to wish good luck to DV. I may have been hard on him during this FTC, but I was just trying to win. Finally, I would like to thank Mehdi and Xalxe for modding. While I may have disagreed with Mehdi’s modding style and hated many of the challenges, at least this game finished and didn’t take forever. I never thought that I would say this, but I’m sad that this game is about to be over.
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    Post Post #2969 (ISO) » Sat Mar 23, 2013 5:14 am

    Post by Xalxe »

    Jurors, you have 24 hours to PM me your votes. Remember, you are voting for the winner. Votes are good.
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    Post Post #2970 (ISO) » Sat Mar 23, 2013 5:23 am

    Post by Cybele »

    Snakes, it seems your closing statement is a
    of what it could be. I feel like you could try harder. Be a little more original.
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    Post Post #2971 (ISO) » Sat Mar 23, 2013 5:49 am

    Post by Xalxe »

    In post 2970, Cybele wrote:Snakes, it seems your closing statement is a
    of what it could be. I feel like you could try harder. Be a little more original.

    Now now, he's probably on kloud nine right now, let's not spoil it.
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    Post Post #2972 (ISO) » Sat Mar 23, 2013 5:51 am

    Post by Snakes »

    My speech was original, and I did not copy Kloud, Cybele. If you want to discuss this further, how about in PMs?
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    I Will Survive
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    Post Post #2973 (ISO) » Sat Mar 23, 2013 6:16 am

    Post by Snakes »

    I did not copy anyone, and I don't want people who aren't even playing to make people think I did.

    Also, does anyone find it ironic that Xalxe thinks he's defending originality, when he's actually just making a bad pun and following Cybele's lead?
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    Post Post #2974 (ISO) » Sat Mar 23, 2013 9:34 am

    Post by animorpherv1 »

    In post 2971, Xalxe wrote:
    In post 2970, Cybele wrote:Snakes, it seems your closing statement is a
    of what it could be. I feel like you could try harder. Be a little more original.

    Now now, he's probably on kloud nine right now, let's not spoil it.

    You really should know better than to accuse Snakes of plagiarism as a mod.
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