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Mini 589: SSBB Smalltown Mafia (Game Over!)

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 6:07 am
by Xdaamno
Mini 589: SSBB Smalltown Mafia

Moderator: Xdaamno


SmalltownSmalltown is a mafia variation in which all roles are usually unique, and all roles, and which players have each role is public; but alignments are randomised, and are not public. Completed examples of smalltown games include Scrubs and Heroes mafia.

Player List:

Still Fighting:
  • Lawrencelot - Link, Bodyguard
  • The Fonz
    Dean Harper
    - Ike, Super Saint
  • dahill1 - Mario, Poisoner
  • iamausername
    - Ice Climbers, Death Stump
  • Gorrad - Lucas, Jack Of All Trades
  • MafiaSSK - Fox, One-Shot Mirror, Mafioso
    - Lynched D1
  • curiouskarmadog - Samus, Tracker, Townie
    - Killed N1
  • Flameaxe - Pit, Archangel, Townie
    - Killed N1
  • andersonw - Snake, Army Veteran, Mafioso
    - Lynched Day 2
  • pickemgenius - Donkey Kong, Hunter, Townie
    - Killed Night 2
  • Goborage - Pikachu, Hider, Townie
    - Killed Night 2
  • Anatole Kuragin - Kirby, Role Absorber
    - Killed Night 2

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 6:08 am
by Xdaamno

Stolen/Influenced from other games, especially Seol's

Pregame Rules:
  • Pregame is defined as the period of time up until all roles are drafted and the game has started. During this time, the rules under 'Game Rules' do not apply.
  • During the pregame, players will be ordered 1-12 using a random number generator. Then, in the order given, each player may draft the role they would like to play as by posting in the thread the role they would like it play as. This continues until all 12 players have selected a role. Players can talk about strategy and whatnot during the pregame if they wish.
  • Players may not draft their role until all previous players have drafted theirs, with one exception: if it is the player's turn to draft who is immediately prior, and 12 hours have passed since the last draft, the next player may "jump the queue" and draft immediately. The 'skipped' player may draft at any time.
  • Once all players have drafted a role, role PMs will be sent, including alignments.
    No player will be aware of their alignment prior to having drafted a role
    . At this point, the pregame will be over and the game will start at Day 1.
Game Rules:
  • Players can vote for another player in the form
    Vote: Xdaamno
    . Players may remove their vote in the form of
    . Please bold your votes. Non-Bolded votes count, but I may miss them. In this case, the blame falls on whoever didn't bold their vote. Players may vote for 'No Lynch'. If 'No Lynch' reaches a majority, the game will go to night. I will try to provide a votecount once a page.
  • Once a player has reached a majority of the votes in play, they are
    , their role is revealed, and they are removed from the game. The game then proceeds to night.
  • I expect players to be active. During day, if a player has not posted for 72 hours and they haven't given a reason beforehand, they will be prodded (I will send them a PM). If they do then not post in the thread within 24 hours or so after receiving the prod, I will start searching for a replacement.
  • Players who replace into a game take the previous player's role immediately, but all votes on that player will be wiped.
  • When a deadline is hit, the player with the most votes will be lynched.
  • When night falls, I will lock the thread. Players must then send in any night actions their role has via PM to me. If a player does not wish to do an action, please send me 'No action', or whatever.
  • Nights will ideally last a maximum of 60 hours and a minimum of 12 hours. After night, I will give a status report on who died, or anything else that needs to be said, the thread will be unlocked, and the game goes into the next day.
  • If a Mafioso or Serial Killer and a town-aligned player are the last two players alive, the Mafioso/Serial Killer wins. If a Mafioso and Serial Killer are the last two players remaining, the game is a tie. Both of these rules are overridden by Donkey Kong’s role.
  • My word is final on any game-related matters.
  • You may not quote any PMs you have received from me, apart from your role, which is public.
  • You may not discuss this game outside this particular thread in any way without my express permission, or if you have a role which specifically allows you to do so.
  • Do not edit your posts, ever.
  • After you have been killed, you may not make more than 1 short post, and it may not contain any information relevant to the game, at all. This includes your suspicions, who you blame for your death, or anything like that. You're allowed to post something like 'Bah!'. If you’re not sure about whether I’ll allow it or not, don’t post it.
  • Be respectful and have fun ^.^

Role Information:

The following are the 12 roles present in this game:

It’s a-you,
, the figurehead of Nintendo’s gaming empire. You’re a
, or more specifically, a mushroom dealer. During the night, you may choose to send a mushroom to one of your fellow (alive) players. Hopefully, it’ll be a
poison mushroom
; the player will be poisoned, wake up with a bad cough, and die the following night. If the player you target is also targeted by another player, however, you’ll be unable to focus and accidentally deliver them a
super mushroom
; increasing them in size. Either way, the effect from your mushroom on the player you targeted will be announced at the break of day, unless they are dead.
You are the noble
, from
The Legend Of Zelda
. You’ve got skills with a sword and bow, so you can attempt to protect one player each night, if you wish; but, in doing so, you will lose your own life. Is someone else’s existence more valuable than your own?
role absorber
! You made your debut in
Kirby’s Dream Land
, and in this game, you’re a
Role Absorber
. At night, you can choose to absorb the role of another player, and then you’ll be able to use it yourself the following night! Once you’ve used this role, it has taken effect, or one night has passed, you can’t use it again. Also, you can only have one role absorbed at a time, and you can’t use a power and absorb a role on the same night.
Pika! You’re the lovable
, from the world of
. You’re a
! You want a good friend, so you can go stay with another player at night. If they’re good-hearted, they’ll protect you from harm. But if they’re a bad guy, you’ll end up dead! Or fainted. Yes, fainted.
Fox McCloud
one-shot mirror
Fox McCloud
One-Shot Mirror
, from the
Star Fox
series. You’ve got a variety of weapon at your disposal, and of particular use is your reflector. Once per game, you can quickly whip your reflector out; and any projectiles fired at you will be reflected back at whoever sent them; as if you sent the projectile their way instead.
Samus Aran
You are
Samus Aran
. You’re a legendary hunter of space pirates from the
series. At night, you may choose to use your skills as a bounty hunter to track one player. You will find out whom, if anyone, they target that night.
Donkey Kong
He’s the first member of the DK crew! You are
Donkey Kong
. If you’re one of the last two players alive, regardless of your alignment, you will win! Otherwise, you’ll just have to use your brain to figure out who’s the scum. And you aren’t the cleverest ape, either… Aaauw!
Ice Climbers
death stump
You are the
Ice Climbers
Death Stump
, from the
Ice Climber
series! You control both Popo and Nana, but if you’re ‘killed’ in any way whatsoever (apart from modkill), Popo will survive, but Nana will perish! That means you’ll be distraught with grief and no longer able to vote (But you can still post, and be targeted for night actions). Your alignment will not be revealed. If you are ‘killed’ again, Popo will die, your alignment is revealed, and you will be effectively out of the game.
You are
, the heavenly protagonist of
Kid Icarus
. You’re an
; each night, you may choose a player to guard, protecting them from any attempts on their life. Unfortunately, you don’t have the power to prevent a poisoning attempt or stop poison itself. You may not target yourself.
super saint
super saint
, a lord hailing from
Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
. If you are lynched, you will activate counter, striking back and killing the player who placed the last vote on you. The town will instantly re-lynch you, so you’ll still die, but it should be useful in taking down your opponents.
army veteran
Colonel. This… ‘Mafia’ game. What’s my role?
Army Veteran
(One-Shot Vigilante). Once, during any night you’re still alive, you may fire
, your Remote Controlled Missile at another player. If all goes well, they shouldn’t wake up in the morning.
Huh? What about my other weaponry?
You’re not. Allowed. To use them. That’d be too
. Rely on your intellect for once, Snake.
Man, I knew this was a stupid idea.
Hey there! You’re
, a kid from the
series wielding great psychic power! That means you’re a
, kay? You’ve got three special powers you can call upon at night, but watch out! Once you’ve used one, you can’t use it again. The first is PSI Freeze. Simply charge it up, and launch it towards another player. They’ll be frozen for the night, unable to perform any actions. Next, you’ve got PSI Fire. You can shoot a burst of flame to try and kill an opponent. Lastly, PSI Thunder. When someone’s falling off the stage, hit them from underneath with this blast of electricity; and they’ll go flying back into the action, meaning they'll be immune to any kill attempts (save poison). Great!


Eight people will receive:
“… and you’re
. You win when the mafia and SK are dead.

Three people will receive:
“… and you’re
, with X and Y. You are allowed to communicate at night with your partners. You win when the town and serial killer are dead. One of you may send in a kill each night. This player may not do any other actions that particular night, and the kill will be trackable/etc.

One person will receive:
“… and you’re
the serial killer
. You win when the town and mafia is dead. You may also send in a kill each night along with your other night choice if you have one. This kill is untraceable, but able to be negated.

Role Summary:
  • Mario – Poisoner
  • Link – Bodyguard
  • Kirby – Role Absorber
  • Pikachu – Hider
  • Fox – One-Shot Mirror
  • Samus – Tracker
  • Donkey Kong – Hunter
  • Ice Climbers – Death Stump
  • Pit – Archangel
  • Ike – Super Saint
  • Snake – Army Veteran
  • Lucas – Jack-Of-All-Trades
Role Priority:
  • 1: Lucas – Roleblock
  • 2: Pikachu – Hider
  • 3: Fox – Mirror
  • 4: Pit – Protection
  • 4: Lucas – Protection
  • 5: Link – Bodyguard
  • 6: Lucas – Vig Kill
  • 6: Snake – Vig Kill
  • 6: Mario – Poisoner
  • 7: Samus – Tracker
  • 8: Donkey Kong – Endgaming Power
  • 9: Kirby – Role Absorber
Role Notes and Clarifications:
  • Fox can reflect Nikita, PK Thunder, PK Fire and PK Freeze.
  • Ike’s Super Saint power is not optional.
  • If Pikachu targets town he is protected, if he targets mafia/sk he dies, regardless of Pikachu's own alignment.
  • Pikachu will not be told the results of his ability (Whether he is protected or not) if he survives (in the case of being roleblocked).
  • Kirby cannot use a one-shot ability more than once, even after absorbing the power again (But can absorb and use the power again if the one-shot ability was not activated).
  • Kirby’s priority on abilities he absorbs is the same as the original abilities priority.
  • Kirby can absorb the power of a role that dies the night it is absorbed.
  • If Kirby has absorbed DK’s power and then the characters have a showdown, the game is a draw; unless Kirby absorbs DK’s power on the same night as the showdown, in which case DK’s priority overrides Kirby and DK wins. As with all Kirby's absorbed powers, the endgame effect of DK's ability can activate at day.
  • The Ice Climber’s power has no effect when absorbed by Kirby.
  • Samus receives 'No Result' if either the targeted player does not target anyone, or if Samus' ability is blocked.
  • If The Ice Climbers are targeted for two kills in one night, both Popo and Nana die.

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 6:09 am
by Xdaamno
Drafting Order:

First: Anatole Kuragin
Dean Harper
Last: Lawrencelot

Feel free to ask any questions regarding the setup now.

Drafting your role or posting in-thread will count as confirming; there’s no need to confirm through PM.

(Drafting Stage starts now)

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 6:16 am
by Anatole Kuragin

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 6:25 am
by curiouskarmadog
Samus Aran, please...

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 7:13 am
by Gorrad
What does Mario's Super Mushroom do?

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 7:39 am
by curiouskarmadog
"the effect from your mushroom on the player you targeted will be announced at the break of day"

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 1:05 pm
by JamesThePhox
Ice Climbers! *sproingggg*

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 1:08 pm
by dahill1
argh my two main choices (kirby+samus) were taken
so i guess i'm gonna go with...

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 1:28 pm
by Gorrad

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 3:02 pm
by andersonw
Hmmm... this game is probably going to be pretty quick.

I'll pick snake.

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 3:08 pm
by Dean Harper
Damn, Kirby was taken!

Ill go snake I think.

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 3:11 pm
by Dean Harper
Also, Xdaamno, you called Kirby a she in the "Role Notes and Clarifications" section.

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 3:46 pm
by dahill1
Dean Harper wrote:Damn, Kirby was taken!

Ill go snake I think.
andersonw just picked snake

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 3:50 pm
by Gorrad
Available roles:

* Link – Bodyguard
* Pikachu – Hider
* Fox – One-Shot Mirror
* Donkey Kong – Hunter
* Pit – Archangel
* Ike – Super Saint

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 5:19 pm
by Dean Harper
wow, lol, he posted while i was reading an un-refreshed page..., i think im gonna go Ike.

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 5:20 pm
by Dean Harper

even though hes my LEAST favorite SSBB char.

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 5:23 pm
by Flameaxe

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 7:18 pm
by PennyNickles
I'll be Ike.

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 7:39 pm
by goborage
Ike has already been picked.

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 3:43 am
by Lawrencelot
I think I'll go with whatever character is left.

Damn you Flameaxe for taking my avatar's char.

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 3:49 am
by Xdaamno
curiouskarmadog wrote:"the effect from your mushroom on the player you targeted will be announced at the break of day"
Mario's Super Mushroom does nothing, sorry for the vagueness. It'll just be announced at day that the targeted player has increased in size (Or that the player has a cough in the case of the poison mushroom).

It's (still) penny's turn.

MafiaSSK may draft now if he wishes, per the rules...

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 6:13 am
by goborage
Pikachu I choose you!

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 6:51 am
by curiouskarmadog
who is up next?

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 6:58 am
by goborage