T-shirt Pre-order Form

Front Shirt Art

Back Shirt Art

Unisex Shirts

Our unisex option is the Gildan 5000 Heavy Cotton Classic Fit Adult T-Shirt (5.3oz). We are currently offering black only. Prices are $16 for S-XL and $18 for 2X. 3X is now sold out. Please be sure to check the link for sizing information.

Inventory as of 10/12/13 16:00 Central - S (2), M (6), L (3), XL (3), 2X (2).

Size and Style

Ladies Shirts

Ladies shirts are now sold out.


Shipping to US and Canada is included in the price of the shirt. If you are international, please choose the number of shirts you are purchasing in the item below and add to your cart. If you are purchasing a larger quantity of shirts, please contact me directly - shipping cost above 5 shirts will be $3 per shirt.

International Shipping

Previous Donor Discount

If you have previously donated to the site, I will honor a $5 discount to your order. You can either contact me directly so that I can bill you the correct amount, or you can go ahead and order through this form and let me know so that I can refund the $5. Plesae provide the name associated with the donation, and the transaction ID if you have it available, as this will make confirmation much easier on my end.

Ready for checkout?

Thank you for supporting through your purchase. If you would like to donate further to offset future server costs and/or to expedite future mafiascum products (cards are pretty far along in the pipeline, and we have had a number of alternate t-shirt suggestions!), please visit the Donation Page.
