Author Topic: Round 7: I Hate My Life  (Read 220 times)

Offline Meyer Lansky

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Round 7: I Hate My Life
« on: November 14, 2020, 06:47:16 pm »
But somehow I'm a spot away from my best Survivor finish in 4 years(!)

Quote from: Carmine
There were concerns about an idol (since he performed so well in challenges broadly), and he straight up said he was closest to you, so it just wasn't going to make sense to tell you once the decision was made for that reason. I have zero apprehension toward you individually whatsoever.

Why was everyone already making decisions based on challenge performance and idols on the first round of the swap?

...I don't even know if I should give my best performance on the challenge or hold something back to lower my threat level.  But if I hold back we're more likely to lose.

And if we lose... I don't see how I'm the next target.   Bobfather and Carmine have both tried to downplay tribal lines as a factor in their decisions to vote for Capone, but I have to imagine that if we go back to TC, either Viola or I are going home.  And... yeah I'm the bigger threat, and with the merge coming up, this would be the time to get rid of me.

Also Vent hasn't messaged me since the end of that TC, sooooo yeah.

Offline Meyer Lansky

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Re: Round 7: I Hate My Life
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2020, 07:01:04 pm »
Well *now* what do I do...   like this whole tribal dynamic still feels weird to me and I don't know what to do.

Vent's the easy vote but I don't know how to get Bobfather/Carmine to make that vote without it backfiring on me.

Offline Meyer Lansky

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Re: Round 7: I Hate My Life
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2020, 08:29:47 pm »
Well actually everyone's telling me they're actually voting for Vent this time, which means either a) Occam's Razor applies and they're actually voting for Vent, or b) everyone's pulling the wool over my eyes and they're actually voting for me but not telling me.

Offline Meyer Lansky

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Re: Round 7: I Hate My Life
« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2020, 08:34:38 pm »
Quote from: Viola
FOOTBALL!!!!!!! (Sorry, had to let out some testosterone)

Not game-related at all, and it may not be as funny postgame once I see who Viola is, but I just found that especially hilarious when looking at Viola's avatar next to that comment.

Offline Brown Eyes

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Re: Round 7: I Hate My Life
« Reply #4 on: November 16, 2020, 05:46:30 pm »
Merge might happen at some point in the game. Or maybe it won't, the don's don't tell me nothin'. I just do what I'm told.

But if and when merge does happen, what's your plan be to navigate it?

Offline Don Corneo

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Re: Round 7: I Hate My Life
« Reply #5 on: November 17, 2020, 05:55:07 pm »
Don Corneo has some questions for youse:

1. Congratulations on making the merge! That's a huge deal in the world of survivor. It means youse have a high probability of making it all the way to the final tribal council where youse will plead your case to win this game, which is one of the many objectives as a survivor player. Do youse have a plan going forward about how youse will accomplish this yet? If so, what is it? If not, do youse have thoughts about things youse can do to have a case to win over the other members of the merge?

2. Youse are finally meeting everyone in game, some for the second time. Have youse made assessments of your fellow Family Members? Are there some youse trust? Are there some youse distrust? Why or why not? Feel free to give an organization on who youse trust to who youse least trust for Friends of the Family looking to get some insight to your thoughts.

3. The challenges have been a variety of various flash games thus far. Are there any flash games youse are dreading to see in the future? Are there any flash games youse are hoping to see in the future? Which challenge has been your favorite thus far? How about your least? What are the reasons for your responses?

4. Now that youse are merged the construction idol is guaranteed to be somewhere on your new Family. Given that the Construction Idol could potentially be switching hands every twenty four hours, does this give youse any guesses on who may or may not have it at this time? Do you plan to make efforts in obtaining this power yourself or do youse see it as a bit of a crapshoot? Why is that?

5. If youse had your pick of who goes next, who would it be and why? If it's not the person you trust the least, is it a strategic decision as to why youd want someone else out?