Tabletops/Tabletop Game Design Thread

This forum is specifically for discussing non-Mafia games
(board, card, video, we're not picky)
such games should happen in the Mish Mash forum, of course.
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Tabletops/Tabletop Game Design Thread

Post Post #0 (ISO) » Thu Sep 16, 2021 6:55 am

Post by Cook »

Niche topic that I've noticed a few other users are interested in — tabletop design.

So I propose this thread.

Pitch your games, show gameplay, et cetera.
Last edited by Cook on Thu Sep 16, 2021 7:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Post #1 (ISO) » Thu Sep 16, 2021 7:09 am

Post by Ythan »

I like a flat one.
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Post Post #2 (ISO) » Thu Sep 16, 2021 7:14 am

Post by Cook »

also agreed.
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Post Post #3 (ISO) » Thu Sep 16, 2021 7:17 am

Post by Ythan »

But for real I've been trying to work out a space war game from constellation maps. I wonder if Mish Mash would be a good place to test it out!
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Post Post #4 (ISO) » Fri Oct 08, 2021 9:16 am

Post by AniX »

I created a FATE-based system to run my Sailor Moon game, and then updated it for Campaign/Season 2 (I'll probably take a third pass for S3). I was originally going to run the official book from the 90's, but it was so bloated I couldn't do it. It is not a WELL-designed system and is mostly built for the specific group, but it is definitely a lot of fun:

Spoiler: Rules
Attempts: Virtually anything you want to do can be done simply by describing what you want to do and making an attempt roll. An attempt is the the sum total of your various bonuses: Your appropriate attribute, your roll bonuses, any extra bonuses from aspects or abilities. Success is determined by one of two tests: Scoring higher than a flat number (if you are trying to do something unopposed, like climbing a tree) or scoring higher than the result of an opposed roll (if you are trying to do something someone else is trying to stop, like combat). Attempts can also be modified, for good or ill, by aspects of the scene. For example, an enemy will get a bonus to oppose a player's roll to sneak by in broad daylight but might take a penalty in pitch dark.

Dice: All challenges are resolved with the rolling of three six-sided dice, called fudge dice, which have one of three outcomes. On a roll of 1 or 2, subtract 1 from your attempt. On a roll of 3 or 4, add nothing and subtract nothing. On a roll of 5 or 6, add 1 to your attempt.

Fate tokens: Fate tokens are a sort of currency you can spend in game to achieve various results.
- Activate one of your aspects
- Activate an aspect of an opponent or the environment
- Compel an NPC on their aspect
- Use one of your special abilities or powers
- To gain any bargained-for addition to a scene or character or temporary bonus or aspect

You can regain Fate tokens either through amazing roleplay, doing some extraordinary act, or, chiefly, by having your aspects activated against you by me, the GM, but sometimes activated negatively, by you yourself

You start off with 5 Fate tokens and gain and lose them as appropriate.
Aspects: Aspects are the most interesting part of the game. They are words, phrases, or terms that define your character. These are things created and written wholecloth by you, so they can be virtually anything you want they relates to your character. They should be specific, things that truly define or describe your character, but they can otherwise be anything. For example, Sailor Moon would certainly have the aspect "In the name of the moon, I will punish you!" Tuxedo Mask would certainly have "In Love with Usagi".

Aspects power the Fate Token system, both for good and ill. You activate them (spending a Fate token to do so) to add bonuses (typically +2) to your attempt rolls if the aspects would be appropriately used to benefit that role. You may also use it to reroll your dice pool if you have an appropriate aspect to fix or avoid your flub. You may not activate the same aspect again on consecutive turns.

For example, Sailor Moon might activate her aspect when she attacks a monster. But she could also tag it when trying to intimidate one. Or to inspire a teammate in battle. A character with an aspect "Lives in Shadows" might use it to benefit a roll to sneak around. Or a roll to attack from shadows. Or even a roll to persuade a shadow monster!

You can also have them activated against you (and gain back a fate token) by me in order to compel something. You can always do it yourself too, telling me you believe an aspect compels you to do something and wanting a Fate token back for it. You are free to ignore the compulsion but it is costly: Not only do you not get a token back, you need to spend a token to do it.

Aspects can also be activated for other purposes outside of rolls, as appropriate. Sailor Venus might activate her "Sailor V" aspect to be able to get in contact with her police contact.

If you know (or guess) am aspect of an opposing character, you may also choose to invoke that aspect against them (for the normal bonus) or compel them on it.

Movement: Movement is zone-based rather than strictly measured. A character is assumed to be able to move as necessary within a given zone to do anything they desire. What constitutes a zone is both thematic and dynamic. A zone might be a single room (if the party is having a discussion or confronting someone) or a single zone might be an entire underground chamber as long as a football field. There are likely to be multiple zones available at a given time: For example, if the villain is on a balcony and the party below, the villain and party are in separate zones.

Approaches: The five approaches on which you make your rolls are as follows: Careful, Clever, Flashy, Tough, Quick, Sneaky. These will be explained further during character gen.

Transformation: Transformation is, naturally, a key part of the Sailor Moon experience. In keeping with official canon, male transformed characters are known as Knights and female transformed characters are known as Sailor Scouts. Each have slightly different abilities. You MAY play a Sailor Scout man or a Knight woman, but be advised as per official canon they will change sex upon transformation.

A character may transform into their magical self immediately during battle by spending 2 Fate tokens or at any time whatsoever for 4 fate tokens. A character may return to their non-magical form at any time for free. A character that is knocked out or killed immediately reverts to their non-magical form, as does any character exiting battle entirely. Transforming for the first time in battle is a Special Little Action you can only do on your turn, but all subsequent transformations in the same battle are Big Actions.

Upon transforming, recalculate your HP. Rather than adding your Tough to your 10 base HP, instead multiply it by 3 and then add. These additional hit points are depleted first and only damage done in excess of these hit points carry over when the transformation ends.

Health: To calculate your health, start with 10, then add your Tough modifier. This will go down as you take damage and will go up if you get healed but may not exceed this maximum number. Damage is taken when the result of an attack exceeds the result of an opposed defense roll. However much the attack exceeds the defense is taken as damage.

Incapacity: Sometimes, a character might find themselves still alive and conscious but otherwise unable to act as they wish. This character is incapacitated. This situation can take multiple forms: Being tied up, being grappled with, becoming stuck in a hole or trap, being knocked off their feet, or other similar situations. While incapacitated during combat, a character may only take Little Actions (barring ones prevented by their circumstances) and Medium and Big Actions directly related to freeing themselves. However, a character who is able to free themselves with a single medium action may choose to use their other medium action at will. A character may also free another character from incapacity by spending a Medium of Big Action to do so, as appropriate.

Consequences: At 1/4th, half, and 3/4ths of a character's health, you take a consequence, assigned by the GM. These are temporary aspects the the GM (or other characters) may activate, which compels as appropriate. The more consequences you have, the more severe the next one will be. If a character's health reaches 1, they are prone. They may not move or attack but can still speak. At 0, they are knocked out and may not take any further action until healed or the battle ends. If a character's health goes below 0, they are killed.

Holding an Action: On your turn, you may declare that, instead of taking an action, you are holding, immediately removing yourself from the turn order. Whenever a turn ends, you may declare you are now taking your action, placing yourself back in the turn order at the slot you declared. You then take your turn as normal and resume your place in the turn order in the new slot.
September 5, 2020

Intercepting an Action: On your turn, in addition to holding, you may perform an intercept. The process is the same as holding with the exception of that it costs 1 fate token to do so and you must declare what specific event you are planning to intercept and what action you plan to intercept with. If you intercept an action targeted at another character and you are in the same zone as the targeted character, you may perform a block action, which allows you to substitute yourself as the target, rolling your defense instead and, if appropriate, taking all damage or consequences yourself.

If the named triggering event occurs before the beginning of your next turn, you may immediately take your named action. Your action resolves concurrently with the triggering event. Your new slot in the turn order becomes directly after the turn of the triggering event, although you do not take another turn until the next cycle.

Leveling Up: At an appropriate time, your GM might determine your achievements have earned you a level up, additional bonuses and powers to demonstrate your advancement. At this time, in consultation with your DM, consult your aspects to determine if any qualify to be updated to an Achievement Aspect, an aspect that represents a significant storyline for your character that has concluded. If one does, that aspect no longer counts against your aspect limit and you may immediately chose another aspect of the same type. Furthermore, you may immediately gain 2 additional general aspects of your choice (including aspects that you can take with general aspect slots, such as relationship or Trouble) and, with consultation with the GM, drop or modify any aspects that do not qualify to be an achievement aspect but may no longer represent your character. You may also, at this time, drop and/or add any transformation traits to represent an evolution in your power set or style, subject to DM discretion for traits that represent significant plot points, characters, or objects.

Recovery Period: Once per day (typically overnight while sleeping), a character may choose to take a recovery period, which is a period of at least 5 hours where the Scout performs no action and no action performed upon them that requires a roll. At the conclusion of this recovery period, the character's HP is restored to full health and the character's Fate points are reset to 5.

Action Economy: During your turn, certain actions are simpler and quicker to do than others. On your turn, you can do as many Little Actions as you want and may choose either to take two Medium Actions or 1 Big Action.

Little Actions are very simple or quick activities such as talking or dropping something. Furthermore, Little Actions (except Transformation) can be performed whenever you want, even on other people’s turns.

Medium Actions are tasks that require a bit of focus or time, but are not overly complex. Most actions you will want to do in combat, besides fighting itself, will be a Medium Action, including movement, picking up objects, healing people, or a non-combat approach roll.

Big Actions are actions that require intense focus or are extremely complex. The most important member of this category is making an attack roll against a person, but anything that would occupy all your attention is likely to fall into this category as well.

For more guidance as to where a particular action might fall, consult the Example Action Channel!

Harmonic Actions: Depending on what their approaches are, characters may receive additional limited extra Medium Action which they can take on their turn no matter what other actions they choose to take. What type of extra action they may take is as follows:

- Any character that has a Careful approach of 2 or more may choose to use their extra action to pick up, throw, or retrieve an object from storage.

- Any character that has a Clever approach of 2 or more may choose to use their extra action to make a non-combat approach roll.

- Any character trait that has a Flashy approach of 2 or more may choose to use their extra action to activate a non-combat Transformation Trait.

- Any character that has a Tough approach of 2 or more may choose to use their extra action to wake up or come back to life, if otherwise able to do so.

- Any character that has a Quick approach of 2 or more may choose to use their extra action to move between zones.

- Any character with this trait that has a Sneaky approach of 2 or more may choose to use their extra action to hide or blend into the shadows.

United Attack: At the cost of 2 fate tokens per participant (which may be paid by any combination of the primary attacker and the participants), a Scout or Knight may use their turn to combine their attack with willing allies in the same zone as them, unleashing a devastating combined attack. Each character rolls their attack as normal and all results are then combined to determine the ultimate value of the attempt. No aspects may be tagged on this attack except for identical aspects or reciprocal relationship aspects (characters with relationship aspects targeting each other) activated together.

Spoiler: Character Creation
Step 1: Name and Bio

The easiest part! What is your character's name? What is their family like? What makes them tick? Likes and dislikes? Hopes and dreams? Fears and nightmares? Relationships with the other characters? What do they look like?

Give me a great picture of who your character is going to be. It doesn't have to be long, even a paragraph or two is fine, but the better you know your character the easiest the rest of character gen is going to be and the more fun the campaign is going to be.

Step 2: Star Sign

The most important choice in the whole game: What zodiac symbol you represent! Everyone is going to have to have a unique choice, so be sure to consult with your fellow players before you get too attached to one, but there are more than enough to go around. Along with your sign, think about what your transformation might look like and what your uniform color scheme might be.(edited)

Step 3: Approaches and Health

Approaches are what you use to roll whenever you need to roll to do something. Each path describes one way to go about approaching the problem-

Careful: A Careful action is when you pay close attention to detail and take your time to do the job right. Lining up a long-range arrow shot. Attentively standing watch. Disarming a bank’s alarm system.

Clever: A Clever action requires that you think fast, solve problems, or account for complex variables. Finding the weakness in an enemy swordsman’s style. Finding the weak point in a fortress wall. Fixing a computer.

Flashy: A Flashy action draws attention to you; it’s full of style and panache. Delivering an inspiring speech to your army. Embarrassing your opponent in a duel. Producing a magical fireworks display.

Tough: A Tough action isn’t subtle—it’s brute strength. Wrestling a bear. Staring down a thug. Casting a big, powerful magic spell.

Quick: A Quick action requires that you move quickly and with dexterity. Dodging an arrow. Getting in the first punch. Disarming a bomb as it ticks 3… 2… 1…

Sneaky: A Sneaky action is done with an emphasis on misdirection, stealth, or deceit. Talking your way out of getting arrested. Picking a pocket. Feinting in a sword fight.

Rank each of these, going from most like how your character would approach things to least like how your character would approach things

The one at the top is your best approach and you roll it with +3

The next two you roll at +2

The two after that you roll at +1

The final approach is your character's worst approach and doesn't receive a bonus.

Now that you know your Tough approach rank, you can calculate your HP. As listed in the rules, your normal HP is 10 + Tough, so
it can be as high as 13 right now or as low as 10. Remember also your transformed HP is 10 + Tough x 3, so your transformed HP can be as high as 19 or as low as 10.

Step 4: Transformation

You have 10 Points to spend as you like to craft your transformation. See Transformation Traits Channel for list of available traits.

Step 5: Aspects

Select 4 general aspects. These can be anything you want, but remember you'll want some negative/unhelpful ones to gain you back Fate Points. Don't fear niche ones, you never know what might become useful!

Select 2 Relationship Aspects. Craft these in consultation with your fellow players. They should be aspects that define your interactions, good or bad, with the rest of the team. If you want to have more than 2, feel free to use your general aspect slots!

Add 1 Trouble Aspect. This is an aspect that is a complication, difficulty, or flaw in your character that the DM can use to add challenges to the game and, more importantly, refuel your Fate token pool. You can, of course, take more if you like, using General Aspect slots.

Select Two Transformation Aspects. These are special aspects that should relate to your Magical Form. It could be a catchphrase, a special attack, a signature article of clothing, and so on. These aspects can only be used while transformed but are particularly powerful and grant +3 on any roll you activate them for.

Receive your Star Sign Aspect. This Aspect is the star sign you draw power from. Like transformation aspects, these are extra strong and grant +3 to the roll. Unlike Transformation Aspects though, you can use activate your star sign aspect whenever you wish. The flip side is that are more difficult to resist. You must spend 2 fate points to resist a compulsion of the Star sign aspect.

Spoiler: Transformation Traits
Hair-Trigger Transformation [Scout Only] (1 point): A Scout with this trait may choose to transform immediately upon rolling for turn order, paying associated costs for doing so and gaining appropriate bonuses, if any.

Retrograde Aspect (1 point): Choose an aspect. While transformed, a character with this trait may choose to reject a compel without penalty for the chosen aspect, neither gaining nor losing Fate tokens from that compel.

Ascendant Recovery (1 point): This character can push themselves to recover quicker than normal. This character may take a recovery period over the course of a single hour rather than five hours. This may not be used to take more than one recovery period during the same 24 hours. While a Transformation Trait, this character has access to this ability even when not transformed, but the character must have transformed since their last recovery period to make use of this trait.

Celestial Camouflage (1 point): For 1 Fate token, this character may instantly magically alter their appearance, changing their clothing, hair style (including length), and adding or removing accessories and small items. This is a magical illusion and does not change what items you actually possess, although these illusionary items may be made to appear as if they function as normal. This effect lasts until the character either chooses to end the effect, transforms, takes a recovery period, or takes damage, at which point it instantly ends. In addition, any item created this way that is removed or put down will also disappear. While a Transformation Trait, this character has access to this ability even when not transformed.

Strong Facade (1 point): As long as this character’s Tough or Flashy approach is +2 or more, if they would take 1 damage from any source outside of combat, they instead take no damage. While a Transformation Trait, this character has access to this ability even when not transformed.

Star in Daylight (1 point): As long as this character’s Careful or Sneaky approach is +2 or more, they are considered hidden while transforming unless directly observed.

Fast Learner (1 point): As long as this character’s Quick or Clever approach is +2 or more, they may engage in basic communication with any sentient being even if they do not share a common language.

Sailor’s Grit (1 point): A character may add +1 to any basic attack they make that they tag no aspects on. While a Transformation Trait, this character has access to this ability even when not transformed.

Sailor In Transit (1 point): In the case of a tie when determining turn order, this character goes first. If both characters have this trait, use normal tiebreaker method. While a Transformation Trait, this character has access to this ability even when not transformed.

Arcing Strike (1 point): A character with this trait may freely make ranged attacks, allowing them to attack opponents up to one zone away.

Serene Touch (1 point): Whenever a character with this trait performs an action against an opponent to do something other than deal damage (for example, restrain a character or take some object off their person), they may add a +2 to the attempt.

Shooting Star Strike (1 point): Whenever a character with this trait attacks to deal damage to an inanimate, non-living object, they may add +5 to the attempt.

Transformed Grace (1 point): Whenever a character with this trait rolls to attempt to persuade or distract another character while transformed, they may add +2 to the attempt.

Transformed Cunning (1 point): Whenever a character with this trait rolls to attempt to intimidate or deceive another character while transformed, they may add +2 to the attempt.

Noble Entrance [Knight Only] (2 points): A Knight may, at any time during a battle they are not already in, appear within the zone the battle is taking place in, regardless of whether they would otherwise be supposed to arrive in time or even know the battle was occurring. If they choose to do so before the end of turn order, they may take their turn immediately, regardless of Quick Score. You may use this ability only once per battle, even if you later exit the battle.

Collimated Mind (2 points): A character with this trait, when subject to an effect that would force them to operate against their will or prevent them from thinking rationally, receives a bonus defense roll to resist the effect if the original defense rolls fails, as well as a bonus defense roll on each turn they are under the effect should they fail to break it. While a Transformation Trait, this character has access to this ability even when not transformed.

Dignified Exit [Knight Only] (2 points): A Knight may, at any time during a battle, disappear from the conflict entirely, regardless of whether they would otherwise be able to escape. This is a complete withdrawal. The Knight may not rejoin the battle again, except by spending 2 Fate tokens to do so.

Single Star Attack System (2 points): When a character has no other allies in the same zone as them, they add +2 to their attacks against enemies in the same zone as them.

Thematic Beginning (2 points): Choose an approach. When calculating your character’s position in the turn order, you may instead choose to use the chosen approach instead of Quick, adding all other modifiers and penalties as appropriate. While a Transformation Trait, this character has access to this ability even when not transformed.

Signature Attack Kiai (2 points): Many Knights and Scouts are able to boost the power of their special attacks through the use of shouted titles or phrases. For attacks, the kiai is almost always a fanciful name for the attack itself or a threat delivered while attacking. A character who selects this trait, in cooperation with the GM, selects one such phrase or name and one specific special attack. As long as the character utilizes this phrase in their special attack (by the players themselves announcing it in voice chat), they may choose one of the following benefits:
- The target of this attack loses 2 Fate tokens
- This character gains 2 Fate tokens
- This character adds +3 to the attack
- Subtract 1 from the target of this attack’s defense rolls until the beginning of this character’s next turn.
- This character may activate one additional aspect on this attack, paying associated costs as usual
- One ally in the same zone as you gets +2 on their next attack
Furthermore, this attack gets more powerful if used strategically. If the target of the attack has already been dealt damage and it is at least your second turn of combat, the character may tag an aspect tied to this phrase, paying the associated cost, while saying the phrase for one additional benefit, in addition to the normal benefit activating an aspect grants to an attack. If that activated aspect was a transformation aspect, they may select yet another additional benefit for a total of 3, in addition to the normal benefit provided by activating a transformation aspect on an attack. Benefits may NOT be selected multiple times. Once a character has successfully used their attack Kiai in battle, they may not use it again in the same battle.
Reckless Attack Kiai (+1 point): A character who takes this bonus may choose to ignore the previous damage requirement to tag aspects on this attack.
Hasty Attack Kiai (+1 point): A character who takes this bonus may choose to ignore the second round of combat requirement to tag aspects on this attack.
Infused Attack Kiai (+3 points): A character who takes this bonus may make multiple Kiai attacks during a single battle.

Signature Transformation Kiai (2 points): Many Knights and Scouts are able to boost the power of their transformations through the use of shouted statements or phrases. For transformations, these kiai typically manifest either as an exclamation during the transformation itself or a declaration immediately after. A character who selects this trait, in cooperation with the GM, selects one such phrase. As long as the character utilizes this phrase in their transformation sequences (verbalized by the player themself in voice chat), they may choose one of the following benefits:
- This character gains a temporary additional 3 HP for the duration of the battle. This bonus HP may exceed their HP maximum.
- One character in the same zone as the transforming character gains a temporary additional 3 HP for the duration of the battle. This bonus HP may exceed their HP maximum.
- One character in the same zone as the transforming character gains 5 HP. If the targeted character is dead or knocked out and this HP would return them to positive numbers, they are revived.
- One ally in the same zone as this character gains 3 Fate tokens
- Two allies in the same zone as this character each receive 2 Fate tokens
Furthermore, if the character has an aspect tied to this phrase, they may activate it, paying the associated cost, while saying the phrase for one additional benefit. If that activated aspect was a transformation aspect, they may select yet another additional benefit for a total of 3. Benefits may be selected multiple times.

Compassion's Resolve (2 points): This character receives 3 additional HP while transformed. This trait may be taken twice.

Compassion's Strength (2 points): Instead of multiplying this character’s Tough by 3 while calculating HP while transformed, instead multiply it by 5.

Scout’s Radar [Scout Only] (2 points): Once per day you may to activate this trait for free (all other activations cost 2 Fate points). When you do, choose a threat level: Mundane (ex. Street thugs, bank robbers), Extreme (terrorists, military forces), or Fateful (Scout-level villains, Gods). Until it is triggered or you until you are knocked out, die, or take a recovery period, if anyone is threatened by one of these threats within a 5 mile radius, you experience a brief vision of the circumstances.

True Heart Scan (2 points): This character may spend 1 Fate token to immediately know one aspect of a scene or other character. This trait may not be used more than twice per character or scene, but may be used in conjunction with another character in possession of this trait to avoid duplicate results. While a Transformation Trait, this character has access to this ability even when not transformed.

Hope's Healing (2 points): A character may, on their turn, spend Fate tokens to heal other characters (but not themselves) in the same zone as them, allowing the targeted character to gain 3 HP per Fate token spent by the character with this trait. There is no limit to the number of targets or amount of Fate tokens that can be spent at one time in this way.

Destiny’s Endowment (2 points): A character may, on their turn, spend Fate tokens to assist another character in the same zone as them, allowing the targeted character to gain 3 Fate tokens per Fate token spent by the character with this trait. There is no limit to the number of targets or amount of Fate token that can be spent at one time in this way. A character who has had this trait at any point during this round may not benefit from the use of this trait by other characters.

Zodiac Power Make-Up! (2 points): This character’s talisman is particularly potent, making them adept at transforming effortlessly. A character with this trait does not need to spend Fate tokens for their first battle transformation of the day and need only spend 1 Fate token for every subsequent battle transformation. Outside of battle, the cost is lowered to 2 Fate tokens, regardless of number of attempts. Furthermore, if this character also possesses the Rejuvenation transformation trait, they may revive fully transformed.

Celestial Realignment (2 points): A character with this trait may choose to take no Medium or Big Action on their turn. If they do, they immediately gain 2 Fate tokens.

Constellation Strike (3 points): When a character with this trait makes an attack, they may declare they are making a Constellation Strike and pay 1 Fate token for each additional creature they are targeting after the first. If they do so, they may choose to instead target up to two opponents within the same zone. The character makes a single attack roll and each opponent rolls individually for defense, with a successful attack resolving as normal against a target.
A character may take this trait multiple times, each time allowing for one more target to be added to a Constellation Strike (ex. If a character wishes to be able to target 3 creatures with one attack would take this trait twice, spending 6 transformation points total)

Nemesis (3 points): When a player takes this trait, they may choose one other character. This character may be an NPC or a player character. You need not know this character’s name but you must have interacted with them and be able to identify them. The chosen character is consider the Nemesis of the character taking this trait. Add +2 to attacks the character with this trait makes against their nemesis. Furthermore, they may tag relationship aspects related to that character for free, once per attack.

Heart's Reverberation [Scout Only] (3 points): Choose an aspect. As long as another character in the same zone as the Scout has a similar or related aspect, the Scout may activate that aspect (paying associated costs) as a bonus aspect that does not count towards their one aspect per roll limit.
Furthermore, any character that shares a zone with the Scout that has a similar or related aspect to the Scout’s chosen aspect may activate that aspect aspect (paying normal costs) as a bonus aspect that does not count towards the character’s one aspect per roll limit.

Animal Guardian [Scout Only] (3 points): A character with this trait has an animal guardian that assists them in their crusade against the forces of evil. While part of their transformation, this creature (which is typically a cat but may be any small mundane animal) is a permanent fixture and will be around whenever the character wants them and can speak one language. Choose an approach. This Guardian has that approach and that approach alone, at +3, and may roll it in place of the character if it is present as well as roll it for itself whenever the character wishes. Furthermore, it may gain general and relationship aspects (using the character’s aspect slots), which may be activated and compelled as normal (using the character’s Fate token pool). This animal has 5 HP, although they may add their Tough score to this total if Tough is their chosen attribute. This animal may take its own turn but uses your action economy, with you choosing how each of you divide the actions available between the two turns.
Evolved Animal Guardian (+X points): A character with an Animal Guardian may spend additional points to have a particularly powerful Guardian. In addition to the normal Animal Guardian rules detailed above, select any of the following benefits for the following additional costs:
Incredible Critter (+1 point): This animal guardian is not limited by size or even by nature itself. They may instead be an animal of any size, including mythological creatures. This Guardian can also have a form of a small mundane creature. Choose which form, mythological or mundane, is the “true form”. This Guardian may assume its alternate form at will for 1 Fate token (drawn from its Scout’s pool). It may return to its true form at no cost.
Anthropomorphic Creature (+2 points): This animal guardian has an alternate, humanoid form. A Guardian with this trait is a small mundane animal as normal. However, this Guardian can also have a form of a humanoid. This form allows it to pass for member of a humanoid species (typically earth human but could also be any humanoid species such as Makaiju or Elf) but may have elements in its appearance suggestive of its true animal form, but sparingly anything that couldn’t naturally occur in the species itself. The Scout chooses which form, humanoid or animal, is the “true form”. This Guardian may assume its alternate humanoid form at will for 1 Fate token (drawn from its Scout’s pool). It may return to its true form at no cost.
Durable Beast (+2 points): The animal guardian often joins its Scout in battle and is particularly hardy and durable. This animal guardian’s max HP is instead 10.
Emissarius Animalis (+3 points): The animal guardian may assume a form that is facsimile of a Scout or Knight. At will, for the cost of 2 Fate tokens (drawn from its Scout’s pool), this guardian may transform, assuming the form of a humanoid child wearing a Scout or Knight uniform. Flavors of its true animal form might be reflected in this form, but it otherwise passes for human, albeit one that is clearly a Sailor Scout or Knight. In this form, in addition to its normal +3 approach, an Animal Guardian in this form may select 2 additional approaches, each at +1, and may roll any other approach as if they had it at +0. Furthermore, if the Durable Creature benefit is selected and if Tough is selected either at +3 or +1, this animal guardian may add double its Tough score to its HP while in this transformed state. This form immediately ends and the animal immediately returns to its true form if at any time they or their Scout is knocked out or killed.

Anaretic Soul (3 points): A character with this trait does not have their Fate token count reset at the end of a recovery period.

Elemental Blast [Sailor Scouts Only] (3 points): A Sailor Scout may spend 1 Fate token to unleash a powerful elemental blast as a special attack action. While called Elemental, the energy powering this blast is magical and may be composed of many different types of forces, from fire, to lightning, to gravity, to even metaphysical constructs like love or hope. This attack may treat two dice of your choice from the target's defense roll as if it were 1's.
Furthermore, the target may not tag any aspects on the roll (all other bonuses, including scene aspects, still apply). A Sailor may not use this attack again against the same enemy in the same battle. This attack is ranged and may be used across zones.

Knight Paragon [Knight Only] (3 points): Choose an approach. While transformed, add 1 to all rolls using this approach.

Royal Chivalry [Knights only] (3 points): When another character (but not the knight himself) is subject to an attack, a Knight may spend a Fate token and make a Sneaky or Quick roll. The player being attacked may use that roll, rather than their own defense roll, as the opposing roll to avoid the attack. Regardless of the result, a Knight may not use this ability again this battle in defense of the same ally. This ability is ranged and may be used across zones.

Rejuvenation (3 points): If a character with this ability is knocked out or killed in battle, they revive at the end of the round with half their health restored, removing the appropriate consequences as well. A character may not use this ability more than once per battle.

Empathetic Transformation [Knight Only] (3 points): Some Knights, rather than transforming on their own accord, are reflectively tied to their teammates. A Knight who takes this trait cannot choose to transform at will. Rather, when an allied character activates their transformation, a Knight with this trait may do so as well at no cost. This ability is not limited by range. As long as the Knight is conscious and on the same plane of existence as the transforming ally, he may choose to activate this ability, but he must choose to do so at the time of his ally's transformation. He may, however, choose again if another transformation occurs. Once transformed, however, a Knight has full control over his form and need not transform back, even if the ally who triggered the transformation does so.
Regardless of whether he activates this ability or not, a Knight who is conscious and on the same plane of existence as an ally will instantly intuitively know an ally character has transformed.

Purification [Sailor Scout Only] (4 points): As a special attack, a Sailor Scout may choose to instead purify an opponent. Rather than having an opposed roll, this attack rolls against a set DC, which is equal to the remaining health of the opponent. If the attack beats the DC, rather than taking damage the opponent is immediately purified and becomes non-hostile. If the purified target has the ability and motivation to fight in its uncorrupted form, it immediately does so. Regardless of result, a character may only use this trait once per battle and may not use it against the same opponent even in a separate battle.

Star Sign Power (1-4 points): This character is particularly intuned to their star sign and gains a powerful ability related to it. Due to the nature of these abilities, a Knight or Sailor Scout often does not know what form it will take. A character who takes this blind may choose to spend only 1 transformation point to receive it and will be informed of it at the first relevant opportunity for it to manifest. Some Knights and Scouts are more in touch with their abilities and intuitively know, but these characters must pay the full price of 4 transformation points.

Champion of the Stars (5 points): A character with this trait may, at any time, choose to add an additional dice to their pool whenever they make a roll.

Binary Stars (4-8 points): When a player takes this trait, they may choose one other character. This character may be an NPC or a player character. The chosen player (or GM, if an NPC is chosen) may choose to contribute transformation points towards purchasing this trait. Both characters, regardless of who originally chose it or how much each individually contributed, get this trait. These two characters are considered partners.
Whenever this character starts a turn in the same zone as their partner, choose one of the following benefits, which expire at the beginning of the character’s next turn:
- +3 on an attack against an opponent who has dealt damage to their partner since your last turn
- +3 on any defense roll against an attack from an enemy your partner has damaged since your last turn
- If you take an intercept action on your turn, you may choose to block every attack against your partner instead of one.
If one of the two characters have an aspect related to the other character, this trait costs 6 points. If both characters have aspects related to another another, this trait costs 4 points. Otherwise, it costs 8 points.

Mystical Item (X points): While many transformation traits may manifest in the form of physical objects appearing for the Scout or Knight, a character possesses a mystical item of some power that is more than mere manifestation. While part of their transformation, this item is a permanent fixture and the character is assumed to always have it on them (disguised while not transformed, if they wish) unless deliberately left behind or abandoned. The item may be any object, as long as it may be held in one hand. The options for this item, and their associated costs, are as follows:
1 point: An item that grants the effects of a transformation trait. The character must pay all point costs of this trait as normal in additional to this trait’s cost and must follow all rules of the trait itself, including transformation requirements, but the item is transferable and grants the trait to any wielder you willingly give the item to.
2 points: An item that provides a +2 bonus to a specific non-combat roll (hiding, sneaking around, persuasion)
3 points: An item that provides a +2 bonus to a specific type of attack (United, general, elemental, etc.) or on defense against a specific type of attack.
Versatile Tool (2 + X points): Instead of choosing one option, a character selecting this option may select multiple other options (or even the same option again, making a different option choice), paying all associated costs plus an additional 2 points and following all rules and making all selections as usual for those choices.
Mind of Its Own (+2 points): An item with this property is somewhat sentient. While not on the level of an Animal Guardian (although a character with both a Mind of Its Own item and an Animal Guardian may choose to choose that item instead of an animal, gaining appropriate bonuses), the item may telepathically communicate with its owner with basic communication and may, if physically capable of doing so, do limited tasks on its own.

CUSTOM (X points): The array of powers held by Knights and Scouts are as expansive as the stars and many characters have unique abilities not found in other Knights or Scouts. Ask your GM if you have an ability in mind that isn't listed.
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NK Immune Miller Vig
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NK Immune Miller Vig
NK Immune Miller Vig
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Post Post #5 (ISO) » Mon Dec 13, 2021 10:05 pm

Post by Oman »

My latest project will launch in January

but other than that I'm working on some D&D/fantasy adjacent stuff, and a little bit on a roll-and-keep cyberpunk/gear fetishism piece.
It's unfortunate that good oral sex excuses bad chemistry. - Korts

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